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Unfinished business! Premier looks to tie up D7 loose ends

Seventh District Representative Dr Natalio Wheatley.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has signalled that he still has unfinished work in his Seventh District constituency and plans to address these issues once re-elected.

Questioned recently about his reasons for seeking re-election as a District Representative instead of seeking office as a Territorial At-Large candidate, Dr Wheatley said he still had ‘very exciting plans’ in store for his constituents.

“The Seventh District elected me. [They] elected me with a mandate to improve the situation in the Seventh District. I believe I still have a lot of work to do in the Seventh District,” Dr Wheatley told reporters after the recent Virgin Islands Party (VIP) congress where he retained his post as leader of the party.

According to Premier Wheatley, each district has five representatives, and all of them have to work in unison for the good of the people of the Virgin Islands.

“We value the work of our district candidates, as well as our At-Large,” the Premier said.

“So, whether we are in the district, whether we are At-Large, we still have a role to help the people of the Virgin Islands, and to give the people of the Seventh District, and all the districts a voice,” he expressed.

Dr Wheatley shared that his government is currently working on the sewerage issues in the district and noted that they were in the process of sending out a Request for Proposals for road works in the district.

Premier Wheatley also pointed to his government’s recently launched RATED programme which he said was able to help some of the unemployed persons in the district and added that many other things have been done.

“We’re going to present our platform and our plan to the Seventh District very soon but we still have a lot of work to do there,” Dr Wheatley said.

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  1. Wtf says:

    Well Natalio, if you still have a lot of work to do in the 7th District then you better start because you haven’t done anything as yet. NOT A DAMN THING.

    Like 15
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  2. Rubber Duck says:

    Maybe all the candidates including him should list their achievements in office.

    It probably wont use up much paper.

    And “ made myself rich “ we all already know about.

    Like 5
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  3. zenyatta says:

    We are voting for the mare horse…This stallion failed us

    Like 2
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  4. ??? says:

    Why not now? What’s the hold up? What’s up with this bribery of words “after the Election” Really! Who’s going to fall for those repetitious baseless promises. But then again ‘A Promise is comforting to those who are blindsided’

    Like 3
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  5. Virgin Islander says:

    Each District has 5 Representatives? That is New News to me. We scarcely see 1 much less for 5. I am from one of the Sister Islands and I would say the Sister Islands are like step- children to the main-land and more so like the UK is to the Territory. Leaders of the main land don’t care Rats a** about the Sister Islands. Election time is here and now you will hear all sorts of empty promises and some of The masses (Them A**es) will take it hook, line and sinker. Most of V.I. Politicians only think about self. WiifM. Whats in it for me. The cycle goes on. When last the VIP At-Large slate visited the Sister Islands? I bet they will soon be around talking Pi$$. Hon. “Mash Up’ got a right to leave them alone. I don’t think from Senagal will come to their rescue this time around unless Gov’t Official 1 cleared that debt.

  6. Lets Start here says:

    The at large candidates are a total waste. List one notable developmental contribution from any of them. How can you have unfinish business when you never start anything. Have not been to EE in a while I hope he at least throw some asphalt or concrete on the main road. None of the thirteen can list a meaningful development project they have been instrumental in putting in place for the past four years. Lavity must be turning in his grave and saying what a total waste this lot is. I have not seen or heard of anyone so far that I could think of voting for. A word for the wan-a-bees. At least think of a project, conceptualize it and present it to the voters. Let us criticize it so you can perfect it and implement it for the good of the people and country. Too many people in this thin for years and at the end of the day, apart from giving a few dollars here and there there is nothing you can link to them.

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