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‘Up to govt to ultimately establish a housing estate for the homeless’

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health & Social Development, Petrona Smith-Davies

The development of a “housing estate” on Tortola has been proposed as a solution to address the issue of homeless persons living in sections of the island.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health & Social Development, Petrona Smith-Davies, hinted at the proposal when she appeared before members of the Standing Finance Committee late last year.

She was responding to concerns from Representative of the Seventh Electoral District, Dr Natalio Wheatley, who said there is “a huge social issue” regarding the number of homeless persons in his constituency.

Dr Wheatley — a first-term legislator who inherited representation of the district from former NDP legislator, Dr Kedrick Pickering — did not specify how many vagrant persons were in his constituency but inquired whether the Social Development Ministry had a ‘comprehensive plan’ to fix the situation.

He also inquired if the development of social homes had been approved by the ministry.

According to the 2020 report on those SFC proceedings, Davies stated that “the matter raised was a very important one and ultimately for government to establish a housing estate in the community”.

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  1. Well says:

    What is needed is a purpose built shelter where services are provided so these people can get what they need to keep off the street!

    Like 13
  2. island man says:

    I could be wrong but does district 7 have homeless persons?? I have never seen anyone sleeping on the road unless they are drunk and i am sure those few persons have a home or well off families to take care of them. They might even have lands abd other wealth.

    Like 13
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  3. Stop waste money says:

    I’m a no all those who are working need get they a$s in an apartment or government needs to send them out of the country. To the bums need to be put back into sandy lane centre and properly treated.

    All does people that still inside the community centers can come together and rent apartments together.

    Like 5
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  4. Well says:

    This should of been considered before this government did this so call regularizing. They have now created additional burdens to the system. We don’t have a homelessness problem. We have a substance abuse and mental health problem that is not being addressed.

    Like 16
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  5. Me again says:

    @ island man
    GREAT. VALUD Points I too am D**n sure ALL who I see on the streets have Family
    Bull s**t bout “ housing community “
    Some place for substance abusers and decent wages for “ minimum wage earners “

    Like 12
  6. Safe Haven says:

    Is Safe Haven at capacity?
    If not, why can’t they go there?
    And if it is, why not expand it?
    No need to duplicate services when you can simply invest in what is already there and continue to improve it.

  7. People says:

    This PS is a full waste of time.

    Like 3
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    • ?? says:

      I am appalled by that response. The Alms House in Long Look under the auspices of Social Development Department was blown down in 2017 and just needed to be rebuilt.

      Were the plans for the Alms House that are sitting on a shelf presented to the Minister of Health since he got in Madam PS?

  8. vip heckler says:

    It sounds like the feet doesn’t know what the hands are doing

  9. Nonsense says:

    We have people living in the market square destroyed building and the scene is atrocious!!! Nobody gives a f*** around here, what’s new?

    Like 4
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  10. Haha says:

    The bums and homeless still alive while it’s people that have no problem eating and drinking that falling down.

  11. i mean says:

    some of the are actually in need of help and some of them need sandy lane centre

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