BVI News

UWI Vice Chancellor calls for UK to keep its hands off BVI

Vice-Chancellor of the University of the West Indies Sir Hilary McDonald Beckles.

Vice-Chancellor of the University of the West Indies (UWI) Professor Sir Hilary Beckles has called on the United Kingdom to retreat from stated political calls to subvert and subordinate the sovereignty of the British Virgin Islands.

The UWI has joined the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) as another regional organisation that has criticized the Commission of Inquiry (COI) recommendations to partially suspend the territory’s constitution and implement direct rule on the BVI.

Sir Beckles said the UWI is committed to the decolonisation of the Caribbean and deplores the persistence of colonial rule of the people in the region.

“The regional UWI insists, therefore, that its member community, the Virgin Islands, be given the full opportunity and autonomy to resolve its immediate domestic challenges. We are confident that it will do so within an enabling Caribbean framework without injurious imperial aggression emanating from London,” the Vice-Chancellor said in a statement yesterday.

“All the people of the region have fought with all means available to craft a democratic culture in the face of fierce opposition from Britain. They have been murdered, imprisoned, and racially denigrated in the quest for freedom, justice, and democracy. Britain has no authority, moral or otherwise, to teach democracy lessons in the Caribbean, insisting as it does on dominating the people who are seeking Reparatory Justice for centuries of colonial brutality and continuing imperial rule,” Professor Beckles continued.

He added that the UWI, and the region are proud of the initiative by both the territory’s ruling party and the parliamentary opposition to come together to form a national consensus government.

“This is the spirit that forms the core of the independence sensibility now rooted in the region. It is precisely this consciousness that will enable the community to resolve whatever governance challenges are arising from the tragic, debilitating, recent events,” Sir Beckles said.

“It is also true that it is persistent British colonial rule of the community that distorts quality indigenous development and constitutes the framework in which international financial malfeasance seeks haven in these islands. Britain has created this wicket on which the game is played is not West Indian cricket,” the professor added.

He noted the university stands ready to facilitate the national strategy of the Virgin Islands to maintain and enhance its sovereignty.

“It also stands ready to assist Britain in curing itself of the persistent impulse and cultural addiction to dominate the people of this region by imperial edict,” Professor Beckles added.

Meanwhile, Governor John Rankin has indicated no decision has been made by the United Kingdom about implementing the COI recommendations despite accepting Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley’s proposal to have a National Unity Government.

Dr Wheatley also indicated his government will be working on a proposal for the UK regarding implementing the COI recommendations while keeping the territory’s democratic framework.

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  1. Citizen says:

    Let’s hope the UK to stop the corruption by Direct Rule. Far too many people getting their noses into their our business.
    Keep your thoughts to yourself.

    Like 77
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    • Criminalogy 101 says:

      LMAO gotta love these roaches who come out when anyone mention THE UK. Where was this insect when we were being victimized???

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      • Popeye says:

        Where was his indignation when we were being screwed by the last generation of leaders who ignored our children’s education, our infrastructure, and our sustainable future? Where was he when our country was overrun by drug dealers and the Lebanese Hezbollah? That is why he is only the Vice Chancellor. Was he the one who taught Fahie how to count? The former math teacher and our former Minister of Education needed a calculator to determine his take on the cocaine deal. He couldn’t calculate 10% of $78 million in his head. I suggest that the Vice Chancellor require all graduates of his beacon of higher education be able calculate 10% of any number in their head.

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    • SMH says:

      Did this person even read the COI report? Does he know what the issues are? Everyone has a freaking opinion but cant be bothered to check the details. Instead they chose to believe our corrupt politicians and their rich friends.

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      • NOPE! says:

        Him and a lot of others that live right here. Sam Henry and a bunch speaking out their @$$! Talking about colonization and racism. How can a report your head coach begged and asked for be racist? Set of Id!ots through the place! Talking about the UK had 2o years to come clean up and did nothing, and this is all part of a bigger agenda. Have we had a COI discovered blatant corruption and extremely poor governance in the last 20 years? The answer is NO! So how can this be part of a bigger picture? You get what you ask for and this was a request by your Narco Premier!!!!

        Like 10
      • Sally says:

        I take my hat off to this person’s reply only the co**upt ones like the premier will say things like that I hope he comes clean and reveal all their names so we can know who the snakes are

    • Rubbish says:

      The UK need to put legislation in place to hold these political leader accountable and lock them up, not take over the VI.

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    • @ Citizen says:

      The arrogance and plain stupidity of some of you BVIslanders will never cease to amaze me. The only letters you have to your name are the ones for which you are being prescribed antibiotics, but believe that you have the knowledge to challenge the opinion of the Vice Chancellor of the region’s finest institution, who has spent his entire life researching the UK’s role in colonialism and slavery. Moreover, the BVI has brought shame and embrassment on the rest of the region yet still people are willing to stand with you in your darkest hour and you still have the audacity to continue wallow in such ignorance. Trust me your concern should not be about the Vice Chancellor Beckles’ comments. Your concern should be about your territory’s future, especially where financial services are concerned. Your Port Director and Premiere are on record conspiring to use shell companies to launder the proceeds of the trafficking of narcotics, what the EU, OECD, US, investigative journalist and the rest of the world have suspected for the last 40 years, for which they have been blacklisted on several occasions. I haven’t heard any of your leaders address the economic fallout which will come with that given that every criminal enterprise who is currently using a BVI company has been placed on notice. Even legit businesses who do not want all this attention will be seeking to migrate their businesses. Ask your leaders to address this, because not even the UK has the remedy for the economic fallout which will result from this. Please enough with such stupidity. The world has its eyes on you at the moment, don’t allow people to think that all BVIslanders are dunces.

      Like 16
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      • @@Citizen says:

        Half of the people commenting are not even Bvislanders. Regardless, no need to beinsultimg, just state your perspective.

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      • @citizen says:

        He dunces, you dunces, and thank God for bringing the COI to make us see that we the people were being dunces all the time

        Like 7
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        • @@@citizen says:

          We do not care if he an expert on slavery and colonialism. A little bit of mummy and daddy would help more than CARRICOM OR UWI ever did around here. This is our crisis and we will deal with it our way. And to @citizen saying only half commenting on here are not bvislanders Please use your real name then!Then you will be real.

      • @@ Citizen says:

        As A BVIlander with several well earned letters I take offence to these so called Caribbean leaders from MOSTLY CORRUPT COUNTIRES IN THE REGION, coming out of the woodwork trying to tell us anything about governance. We are well aware of slavery but I am also aware that Africans were sold into slavery by other Africans who became wealthy from the practice, so take several seats. We also know the UK’s role in the whole affair and are well aware of the racism that we face. Unfortunately the thing than threatens to destroy our country now is not the UK’s racism but the CORRUPTION of our own leaders, so please take a seat and stop trying to fear monger people into making decisions that we know are not in our best interest. The UK takeover does not scare me nearly as much as the thought of these callous and corrupt politicians running wild in my country for another decade.

        Like 18
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        • Book Sense is Not Common Sense says:

          I’m sure your Port Director and Premiere also had several well earned letters to their names. Now they are just numbers in a foreign prison. Indeed, the region has corruption and corrupt leaders, however, none have been as stupid as to get caught trying to get in on the narcotics trade, knowing fully well he is not the master of his own destiny ie he is not the leader of a sovereign state. Then again in your Premiere’s ignorance, he thought he was and even tried to claim diplomatic immunity. The BVI community of so called intellects voted this buffoon as Premiere, but want to challenge a man who stands head and shoulders above any of you for standing up with you on a subject in which he is your superior. Like you said this is none of our business, but such comments provide into why you are where you are today.

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      • Linda says:

        Well, if the Vice-Chancellor of the region is so knowledgeable, he would know that the BVI is NOT a sovereign nation and that he has based his entire argument on pure nonsense!

        We are a “British Overseas Territory”, sir. Get your facts straight.

        Like 1
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  2. Lodger says:

    See all comments to SVT minister to mind your own!

    Like 24
    • We need the uk to involved in all these wicked things that going on says:

      The uk have to involved in all these corruption that going on here in the bvi

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  3. Hazel E Roberts says:

    Yes a lot of politicians and criminals dont want the offshore registry open to the public so they are coercing support from all walks of life. Thats if the uk takes over for 2 years.

    Like 24
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  4. Sit says:

    Sit Down and mind your own business. The BVI is corrupt through and through. The Brits must stand the Constitution down so that the Territory can be given back to ALL the people, not the corrupt chosen few.

    Like 62
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  5. M Hobo Andrews says:

    Fully agreed.

    Like 2
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  6. constitution says:

    Suspension of the constitution is not needed the clear out the corrupt. They must know all who are involved and they should be arrested. No direct rule needed

    Like 10
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  7. Rubber Duck says:

    You don’t like the UK but you love that “Sir ” title.

    Another hypocrite.

    Like 47
    • You hit the nail my thoughts exactly says:


      Like 18
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    • Watching says:

      You hit the nail Rubber Duck he’s confused
      He is a British citizen don’t mind him.
      When ever I hear this man talk about reparations for Caribbean people I gets me sick to my core.
      How can someone feel this way about A people knowing what they did to his and our ancestors,but yet went and kneel at there feet for a sir title from the same Mr go and sit down and let the people of the BVI decide what they want for there beautiful island,they are the ones there,they are the ones feeling the pressure not you majority of these people are well educated I have confidence the can stay there course and know what is best for them.antill you gave up the queen sir title,there’ll be no respect for you from take a back seat on this one you have no right to speak on this.
      I wish all the best for the BVI PEOPLE.

      Like 12
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      • Bobolist says:

        Has there been one UK citizen alive today that has stood on VI neck.I am sure 90% of the UK population was born after the 1960s. When you look at the government in London you see all different races and religions. These islands are full of pappyshow bobolists as my St. Lucian grandmother would say. The politicians want to take charge and abuse the treasury and the crown lands. Britain is not interested in colonizing anybody. They done with that. They are trying to clean house and create structures that ensure transparency and accountability. The politicians using the race card so they can continue their bobol.

        Like 4
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  8. stay in your lane says:

    we did not ask for your opinion.

    yes UK come fix this mess

    Like 32
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  9. Serious ... says:

    Set of talking sheep! Mind your own damn business, and especially on a mater you know very little about. You even live here Sir? Good at talking for sure!

    Like 18
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  10. 0% says:

    The BVI belongs to the UK. St. Thomas belong to the US and is ruled by Washington. People like you want the corruption to continue so all the tourism business come to St. Thomas. PIG.

    Like 17
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  11. Disappointed says:

    De Beckles you had nothing to say about the corruption and criminality all these long years. All now you have nothing to say about it in SVG, Grenada, Jamaica etc. I could see why CARICOM speaking out about UK suspension because all of them are the same thing but you should really do better. Caribbean is getting more and more corrupt and violent but this what you want to speak out on? Why would a PM make his son Minister of Finance? Why are wives running alongside their husbands? Is government a family business? Why is Citizenship being given out to known international criminals? Focus on dem tings dere and get back to us. Otherwise, hush

    Like 34
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  12. Smh says:

    I don’t understand, how is it that persons who don’t live in the BVI know what is best for the BVI. Drink water and mind ya business.

    Like 34
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    • @SMH says:

      Can’t the same be said about UK’s direct rule?

      Like 5
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      • No says:

        Because the UK owns the BVI. They have that right.

        Like 14
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      • @ “@ SMH” says:

        Your comment would be like a child telling its mother keep our their business

      • @@SMH says:

        Geezzz! If it is Black people actually posting those disdainful comments, they are actually bringing more shame on BVI and its people than Fahie and the lady ever will.

        A mind that is void of knowledge is and will remain a slave with or without chains and wrapped around his entire humanity, because a mind without knowledge is fit only to be a slave.

        Bring the slave ship they named jesus, it will not leave half full or empty!!The mental condition being illustrated here is indescribeable.


        Like 4
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  13. Go STFD says:

    I find it extremely distasteful that all these external organisations are claiming that they stand with the “BVI in it’s fight against direct rule”. Let it be unknown that if the aforementioned is their position they stand with the selected few who has brought the BVI to this juncture.

    I believe the majority of us are in favour of the direct rule. However, we have chosen to stay silent as if the UK decides not to move forward with the COI’s recommendations it would be victimizations once again.

    Just in case you all might of forgotten the BVI is an overseas territory that belongs to the UK. The UK therefore have a right to safeguard the future of every BVIslander from alleged corruption, from cronyism, etc.


    UK: the majority of the BVI stands with you in you quest to rid the BVI of corruption – DIRECT RULE PLEASE.

    Like 44
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  14. Virgin Soldier says:

    And does he have confidence that the interim government of the BVI will be able to bring the criminals and corrupt politicians to justice even if it means sending their own family members to prison?

    They could start with the woman who forged the letter asking for diplomatic immunity for Fahie to show what they can do, and then move on to bigger fish, crustaceans, and sharks.

    Like 20
    • True says:

      An investigation into the padding up of voters in district 8.

    • St. Thomas says:

      The same way that the US protects its citizens in St. Croix, or the French in Guadeloupe so must the British make sure that there is fair opportunity and governance for its overseas citizenry.

  15. is like... says:

    Why these people think their opinion matter?

    Like 19
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  16. UKM says:

    Hilary Beckles,Ware were you when the people of the BVI have been ripped off for the last 30 years, you and all like you need to stay out of the BVI and UK business all of you who is dipping in the UK and BVI business seems to me that you condone corruption.We don’t want to hear from the likes of people like you stay out of our business.

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  17. UKM says:

    Hilary Beckles You know where you can stick that finger??????

    Like 6
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  18. Watching says:

    You hit the nail Rubber Duck he’s confused
    He is a British citizen don’t mind him.
    When ever I hear this man talk about reparations for Caribbean people I gets me sick to my core.
    How can someone feel this way about A people knowing what they did to his and our ancestors,but yet went and kneel at there feet for a sir title from the same Mr go and sit down and let the people of the BVI decide what they want for there beautiful island,they are the ones there,they are the ones feeling the pressure not you majority of these people are well educated I have confidence the can stay there course and know what is best for them.antill you gave up the queen sir title,there’ll be no respect for you from take a back seat on this one you have no right to speak on this.
    I wish all the best for the BVI PEOPLE.

    Like 5
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  19. YES TO UK says:

    Hilary Beckles, You are just another racist, when you speak about the UK in this article you show it. Just so you know most of the people in the BVI want the UK to take over.

    Like 15
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  20. Media says:

    The media needs to cease and desist the publicizing of these various off island ‘experts’ about the relationship of the UK and the BVI. These ‘experts’ are simply not qualified to offer their personal opinions to the press no matter what their various other qualifications are today. Sir BS please shut up!

    Like 13
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  21. Hold your corner star. says:

    Who feels it knows it yaaah…We have lived in this hot kitchen for years..Let’s us tell you about hot the heat is we feel. Not you telling us.

    Like 7
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  22. @ RUBBER DUCK says:


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  23. SNAFU says:

    Just as our illustrious leaders have pledged!

    If you live in a Glass House, ayo know the rest. It’s always,always,always the loudest whom have something in the closet!

    Like 8
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  24. hnnnnnnmmmm says:

    bvi must be his wife , look a joke , are what you will invade ,plz , wrong is wrong and has its consequence , well look here.

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  25. Bertha says:

    All people like him are part of the boys club that are facilitating corruption in the caribbean.

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  26. Ratty says:

    How can another corrupt system fix yours we still don’t know their agenda for taking direct rule for sure it isn’t to help be better

    Like 3
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  27. Yar says:

    Bunch of bol**cks…so negative thou art..No body ain’t paying $h%t.Who gonna work that out,

  28. Da says:

    Kiss my Kalinago a**….all of you parasites.We been put on the backburner.Kalinago true bloods..the rest are foreigners to these islands#wefirst

    Like 4
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    • Kakroach says:

      Your ancestors the “Kalina people” are still in South America. Why add “go” at the end of Kalina. Who did you’ll meet on these islands?

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  29. Khu says:

    Humans sucks

  30. VI says:

    Professionalism in some Government departments has gone out the window. Officers call each other by nickname or pet name, chain of command is completely ignored, polices and protocol are not adhered to and promotion is based and who kiss up best.

  31. YES TO UK says:

    @@Citizen, Hi Dunce, So after saying all of this,do you feel better. We don’t want anyone having any say in out business. We would like the UK to take over and if you don’t like it just leave you don’t have to live between a bunch of dunces.

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  32. Anonymous says:

    In the 1930s, British colonisers evicted Kenyan families from the fertile tea farms they owned, took the land, paid nothingfor it, terated the same landowners as slaves while they reaped all the benefits..

    One of millions of atrocities committed by those——– against Black and other people. So, go on
    asking for your worsst enemy to come rule you stupid and unread, who do you think will benefit, and who will lose when they come to “direct rule.”

    Like 3
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    • Blue says:

      And in Zimbabwe, Mugabe destroyed 70,000 urban dwellings because he wanted everyone to be equal!

      Like 5
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      • @ Blue says:

        Nothing Mugabe has supposedly done, according to those whose ass he refused to kiss, can compare to the centuries of horror reaked on Black and other people by the d–il.

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  33. @ Blue says:

    Nothing Mugabe has supposedly done, according to those whose ass he refused to kiss, can compare to the centuries of horror reaked on Black and other people by the d–il.

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  34. Kakroach says:

    CARICOM is a complete waste of time. Keeping the people poor in crime and narco-infested islands. Modernize these precolonial cesspools of corruption. None of them neither colonized nor “independent” is on any path to becoming developed in 40 years like our Asian counterparts. The English-speaking Caribbean is behind 1000 years but some think they are better than others. We can’t even make a pin.

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  35. Referendum says:

    Faced with all this shouting the UK needs to consult the VI people via a referendum to legitimize direct rule. Those shouting the most are not necessarily representative of the people and probably have their own agenda.

  36. Slavery & colonialism says:

    Every idiot saying that Britain wants to restore slavery stop and think for a minute about the obvious.

    Slavery & Colonialism was the exploitation of a people for profit.

    How much money do you think the BVI would make for the UK??

    How much has the BVI paid in to UK taxes in the last 10 years??

    In the modern world, THE BVI COSTS THE UK MONEY. It’s that simple. Every year, and especially after years with hurricanes and pandemics.
    The UK supplies monetary aid, supplies, and training and oversite. It offer to guarantee loans for the BVI but only if audits can show no corruption. There is no financial benefit to the UK in direct rule, just a headache for which it will get no thanks, just accusations of racism.

    The UK have 2 obligations:

    1. A responsibility to OT subjects to ensure they are fairly ruled, and preferably by self determination, and the COI still reinforces that a path is still there if the BVI shows it can govern itself.

    2. To ensure the stability of the territory’s financial services industry. The premiers actions have hugely damaged this. If this industry fails, who do you think the BVI will look to for aid and help when the coffers are empty?

  37. Ok says:

    Let us examine how much of our monies go in to UWI.

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