BVI News

We’re being watched by British secret service — Elroy Turnbull

As the BVI prepares to receive a new governor in 2021, at least one local is warning residents that governors are chosen to accomplish the UK’s agenda, which he said Britain determines through espionage.

The warning was sounded yesterday September 17 by former Chief Education Officer and public commentator, Elroy Turnbull, on Claude Skelton Cline’s Honestly Speaking radio programme.

Turnbull said the UK carefully handpicks governors to suit the sentiments they have towards each Overseas Territory and to carry out particular missions in those jurisdictions.

Giving an example, Turnbull said: “So they’ll say, ‘we want a governor because you are rough and tough [and] we are sending you to the BVI to prevent Lavity Stoutt having a college’,” Turnbull said.

He added: “The British send MI6 agents here to monitor us.” 

MI6 is the British secret service agency that collects intelligence to serve the government in the same way the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) collects foreign intelligence for the US government. 

“We have proof of that. It happens all the time. What happens is that these guys keep abreast of the local news and what’s going down, the newspapers; what they consider important. It goes to the governor and the governor sends it off,” Turnbull said.

“They have us under surveillance. It’s been going on for years and years. As a matter of fact, it’s sometimes said that what happens in the BVI; the people in England know it before our neighbours know what’s going down,” Turnbull said.

He did not explicitly state the evidence to support his claims. But he said the BVI must know that governors are sent to advance a specific agenda on behalf of Britain.

“They sometimes select a governor based on his character and experience to do certain jobs. Governors don’t just suddenly come here when they send a governor, you know. A governor is selected based on what they want done. This happens in all the territories.

He continued: “For example, there have been conflicts in Anguilla with the governor, Monsterrat, Cayman Island. Part of the whole thing is the British and what they want to do. We have to wake up to all these things that are taking place because people will think things are always rosy and nice. But the British always have an agenda,” Turnbull said.

Earlier this week, the BVI was informed that Governor Augustus Jaspert will be leaving office in early 2021.

A media release from the Office of the Governor said the incoming governor, John Rankin, will be arriving in the territory in January to replace Governor Jaspert.

 “This will allow time for him to settle ahead of the key priorities that the territory expects to face in 2021. He brings with him more than 30 years of experience in the public service, most recently serving as Governor to Bermuda,” the release said.


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  1. Honestly says:

    This is mental. The Uk doesn’t care or have a need to send MI6 agents to its own territory !

    Like 72
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    • @Honestly says:

      It is indeed mental. Give me the proof. Now, if M16 was here, plenty of people cards would have been peeped and called out. Watch, the man from the pulpit is going to spin this to his liking and advantage to start the drama. Anyone can take this anyway they like. My grandmother tells me to this day, if you mind your business, you will survive a day longer. Watch what you say or accuse others of and you don’t have to worry about your tongue getting cut out.

      Like 45
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      • HUH! says:

        The premise of this article appears to assume that the UK wants to take over control of the BVI – despite the constant suggestions to that effect, the UK would much prefer to wash its hands of the BVI, give us our independence and not have to worry about us ever again.
        In order to achieve this desire, the UK is trying to hold our politicians and public servants to account in the hope that this will make them push an independence agenda.

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      • @Honesty says:

        And if they are here spying on us, guess what? I welcome it. I am not doing anything wrong or breaking any LAWS so I am not worrying about it. If they are spying on us, they know exactly who they are spying on and why.

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    • For real says:

      If M16 was in this Country spying, plenty of people would be sitting in Jail. Now that the accusation has been brought up, maybe England should send in a few of their agents to monitor the BVI and to keep a eye on certain people. DUDE, YOU MIGHT HAVE JUST OPENED PANDORAS BOX WITHOUT THINKING BEFORE YOU OPENED YOUR MOUTH.SHOW ME THE PROOF.

      Like 31
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    • Wow says:

      Is this man in dire need of a mental health professional? MI6 agents spying. Lmao. You can send a 6 year old to spy on the BVI. By the way are the spies black or white. Not a good spy if you can see them in plain sight. The Governor choice has nothing to do with the BVI. It is a political game that is played within U.K. politics. Actually the U.K. wouldn’t care if Mickey Mouse was the Governor as the people all act like spoiled children as it is.

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    • Rubber Duck says:

      Apparently they have to come to BVI to read the “ newspapers “. Even though these “ newspapers “ are on line and can be read from anywhere.

      Truly stupid sh1t stirring.

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  2. strupes says:

    2 pea from the same pod

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  3. We,be been expecting you... says:

    Bond James Bond

    Like 12
  4. the watcher says:

    what a total waste of time this article is….I suppose anyone who has the money can buy 5 minutes of time on the radio and it will reported as news?

    Like 34
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  5. Earl says:

    What are these people smoking ?

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  6. Meh Son says:

    Dem losing it meh son.

    Like 14
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  7. islandguy says:

    GDP of the BVI is statistically 0% of that of the United Kingdom. Really doubt that warrants MI6 agents. Lets not start buying into conspiracy theories. There are enough real problems to be fixed than dealing with kind of stuff. Mr Turnbull is just looking for attention and it looks like the BVI news gave it to him.

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  8. Talk is Talk says:


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  9. @islandguy says:

    If he is looking or wants attention, he should get a dog. Everyone is on the 15 minutes of fame bandwagon. Do you know who I am thing. Man, I don’t even know who you are.

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  10. political says:

    why we are doutig the claim that the BVI is watched by the secret service every country has that secret watch deom officals, That statement was a lead to tell claude skelton cline to shut his beak up sometimes tge message does not come live and direct a messanger is sent we look at things in a negative light but they have big meaning Jackass was not made to carry load only there are a lot of infoenation jacka**es in the BVI This is s lesson for all of us to be mindfull and do not skelton cline bring the BVI to a halt, The S service is no respector of places and people so claud S cline take warning and stop negative Negativing the British Goverbnebt

    Like 11
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  11. his agenga says:

    Rankin, as representative of the Queen gave “assent” to the bill, despite LGBT activists’ hopes that the colonial governing structure would stop the effort to repeal gay rights.
    This domestic partnership law was then struck down in June 2018 by the Supreme Court and again in November 2018 by the Court of Appeal, and since the latter ruling same-sex couples have been free to marry in the territory.

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  12. Gv says:

    This should have happened a long time ago criminal watching criminal

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  13. SMH says:

    What a F***ING I***T!!!!!!!

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  14. Michelle Dubois says:

    Listen very carefully I will say this only once

  15. Old says:

    Things what we need to talk. We not talking it.

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  16. Why? says:

    Why is this publication reprinting this inconsequential person’s unsubstantiated l**?

    Like 16
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  17. Hmm says:

    Elroy is correct. And I am surprised that so many people are on here surprised! They have always been here. And why not? The BVI is a British Dependent Territory.

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    • @Hmm says:

      SIMPLY PROVE IT. And if they are here spying, they will be looking at the GOVERNMENT AND THE WAY THEY CONDUCTING BUSINESS. Simply prove it. YOU CANT ACCUSE THE CIA, KGB OR M16 for spying without solid proof. I agree son, you might have opened Pandora’s box on your Country.

      Like 8
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      • Hmm says:

        Seriously? But be sure they have always been here. They look and act like regular folks from the UK. But who knows, knows. It really hasn’t been that closely held secret. One very good local friend of mine would occasionally laugh and point out one in the street or restaurant . . .

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    • @Hmm says:

      You cant help these people. Just read all the responses…

  18. nick says:

    they don’t need to come down here to check what is going on in the newspapers. This guy is watching to much tv.

    Like 12
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  19. Is Elroy having dementia? He joins CSC to talk a bunch of nonesense.

    All you want Independence,to benefit all you selves. Go right ahead.

    Like 16
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  20. Sniffn says:

    Why would they come to the BVI ???? There is no intelligence here !!!!

    Like 23
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  21. See says:

    The ignorance is just mind boggleing

    Like 15
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  22. Britian says:

    Elroy is not crazy Secret servuce lives right out side the door talking to people on a day today bsis in the rum shops on the road amd trough other means. We donot know who they are so how you can sat that they are not here. People what they are calles Secret Service wise up open your eyes because one day you might see them right in ones yard like every other cpuntry they are lodged in the caribbean islands so the BVi is not cancelled out time is important so hello hello stop tslking foolish talk they are right HERe We may have scotland yard and KGB be on the Alert so clyne you need to stop aring your big mouth you might talk the wrong thing

    Like 10
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  23. Windy says:

    Disappointed that BVI News even published this c**p

    Like 15
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  24. MIND BOGGLEING says:

    These Mickey Mouse characters would talk about every foolish and stupid idea that pops into their heads but will get highly offended and defensive if someone ever dares to start a conversation on the TRUTH about African History and our contribution to civilization.What a bunch of coward MICKEY MOUSE I***TS.

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  25. Sense says:

    What is wrong with the owner of property watching over what’s theirs?

    Why are we so scared of UK looking over us?

    What does the BVI have to hide from the people and UK?

    Does BVI need approval to go independent?

    I am just sick and tired of this nonsense in the air. Why don’t you let someone else do what they wish to your property? My suggestion is, do what’s right and within the laws of the land. All will be well.

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  26. Really? says:

    Why the h**l is this news? One person spouting conspiracy theory makes the paper? C’mon BVI News – do some REAL reporting!

    Like 9
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  27. Jane says:

    Actually this is not far-fetched at all. BVI is the trading hub of near $100 billion of asset flow. Anyone who thinks we arent of strategic global importance is deluded. Of course there are agents working for the British Secret Service, and most likely Russian, Chinese and others too. Some of those people may not even comprehend that they are agents (or assets). I know someone personally who held a senior compliance officer here and told me he had been approached by British Secret Services to spy (I believe him, he was frightened because he knew his employer was not compliant to AML/ATF requirement. He decided his career was best served by leaving that employment and leaving BVI: it got a little close for comfort).

    To the other point: yes the UK government monitors its OT. Yes, of course they select Governors based upon what they perceive the need is (i.e. what the need is for UK). I do not think that is because the UK government would not there to be a college more likely because the stink of institutional corruption can be smelt all the way from London. Things are getting bad here: it is now a matter of life and death given the breaches to border security and the deliberate approach of the government to not want to stop the problem (they sent away the Navy boat).

    Like 16
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  28. E. Leonard says:

    Every country conduct overt surveillance; advanced countries conduct both overt and covert surveillance. Many countries conduct domestic surveillance and external surveillance. Countries conduct surveillance to gather data/information to develop protective national defense strategies. Surveillance sometimes may involve monitoring allies, friendly forces……..etc.

    The CIA collect data and publish the CIA World Fact Book on every country. More than likely the published information is not classified info. M16 is the Secret Intelligence Service (it is a covert organization) whose role and responsibility is mainly to collect and analyze human intelligence overseas to support national security. Is it unlikely that M16 was in the VI or is gathering data on the VI? SIS is a covert organization.

    Moreover, diplomats, ambassadors, governors………..etc are not assigned at random or with the roll of the dice. Political assignments aside, they are handpicked based on knowledge, demonstrated experience, demonstrated ability, linguistic skills…………etc to best suit the needs of locale assigned. The current situation in each locale drives who gets assigned, as Elroy suggested.

    The colonialist and colony relationship was/is about control. Slavery was about economics, racial hierarchy, supremacy., control……..etc. Emancipation didn’t stop the control. Slaves were only free for microsecond. Then they resumed the life of second class citizens or non citizens; it was a caste system. The control was more pronounced by the VI neighbor to the north where the control moved from Slavery to Jim Crow and now to mass incarceration( war on drugs). The VI must be vigilant; its people cannot be Swift-boated. The VI must be proud of who they are and where they came from and respond skillfully, quickly and forcefully to insult, disrespect……….etc.

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  29. W.E Man says:

    I am so glad that I am not the poor desk officer sitting at my desk in LEGO land, having to read the intelligence reports from the BVI,s. Mrs. Scatliffes cat has disappeared, a Vincentian male with a machete, was seen in the vicinity, he looked hungry!

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    • Ha! Yeah says:

      And ..
      $60 million stolen from Nigeria and funnelled through a BVI company before being banked in Caymans and used to buy weapons, $250m from Russian oligarch via Cypress bank disappears through BVI company black hole; terrorist financier pushes millions of dollars through a BVI company to purchase nuclear weapons parts; large drug cartel moving substantial millions of dollars and thousands of kilos of cocaine through the BVI using local business operators, possibly with help the government of the territory …
      Why would anyone think there is no MI6 operation here?

  30. Spy says:

    The British don’t need to send MI6. There are enough BVIslanders informing the Governor of the foolishness, lies and theft undertaken by the elected officials.

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  31. Waste says:

    That would be a real waste of resources for MI6.
    England don’t care one hoot. They are only ensuring we present no charge on their budget. The secret service is here, yes, because they are tacking Drugs. There are some people in the house of commons who wants to push certain political agendas such a same sex marriage. But outside of that they care not one bit as long as we don’t affect their budget in one way or another. Lets face it, the BVI is of no strategic value to the British.

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  32. Political Observer (PO) says:

    The VI is a major financial centre that has over 300,000 registrations and processes $BB annually. It, along with other OTs are viewed as money laundering locations. So does any believe that the UK secret service is not monitoring the BVI? It would be gross negligence if it didn’t. It would be national protection malpractice. Elroy Turnbull is on point. He is a deep thinker that is not fool by shiny objects.

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  33. OMG says:

    Really, watched for WHAT! BVI NEWS you are losing it. Why do you print such c**p?

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  34. Eyespell says:

    I’m in England reading this, I don’t need to send spy’s just log onto the internet – F**L.

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  35. Tired says:

    Ok look for a certain news online site to run several episodes on this one to look important. Who knows? Probably there is some truth in what Turnbull is saying but to go public with any allegation without proof always make the look stupid or in this case stupid. I am surprise he allowed himself (Turnbull) an education man to be drawn into Chine’s desperate’s rants for attention. This man is taking the BVI into a fight it cannot win. Jasper the will be forgotten and his attention will be on the new Governor. What baffles me is this question “where does the Premier and his cabinet stands on these issues? It is obvious who is running this country. I did not vote for Mr Cline for representation. The persons I voted for are all scrambling over crumbs while Cline is in charge. Honestly speaking I along with my household are seriously thinking where to cast our votes next election. I respect the Premier he has done a great job so far but it is obvious there are people he is allowing to run the ship aground and he is silence.

  36. Human rights says:

    If there were MI6 they would report why children born in da territory are not Belongers and that Belongers go have kids in the US and take US passport like candy.

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