BVI News

Why is it so hard to get goods from Customs?

The BVIPA’s cargo facility in Port Purcell, Tortola.

Opposition Leader Ronnie Skelton has called on the minister responsible for the Customs Department to address problems at the facility, as residents are finding it more difficult to get the goods they need to conduct business.

“I don’t know what is happening because we’re hearing all kinds of things on the street, but the basis is that it is taking longer and longer to get your goods out of Customs. It takes nearly five days now to get anything out of Customs,” Skelton explained.

“It’s hurting businesses. I don’t know what the reason is but this is what I am hearing. I am not in a position to find out what the reasons are but I hope the minister is able to assist us in getting answers as to why,” Skelton added.

He compared the BVI’s small port facilities to those of bigger countries which he said have smoother processes.

“You have businesses complaining that their containers are stuck at Customs for four to five days, even 40 days. They can’t get their paperwork through. I don’t know if some of these complaints are made up but I don’t think all of these people who are talking to me about the importation of goods are making up these stories,” Skelton said.

The Customs Department has not released any official statement informing residents of longer wait times when conducting business. As such, it is not clear if the issues are caused by inadequate staffing or lack of equipment needed to process goods.

It is also. unclear when the reported issues are expected to be addressed.

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  1. Hmm says:

    You have to get this and that plus T12 and so on.

  2. Hmm says:

    Another thing is each new custom officer you see is a different thing they asking for.

    Like 26
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  3. STALLING says:

    Could it be willfully stalling as a means of trying to send a message regarding salaries.

  4. Gwad says:

    1. Why is this news? Skelton said something. That’s all this article is about. The article is full of “it’s unclear” “not official” “I don’t know”…..Let’s report some facts, not a bunch of heresay.
    2. Why is Skelton saying this to BVI news? Why not go direct to the responsible minister and tell him what he’s hearing on the street? That’s how adults should behave….

    Like 12
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  5. Facts says:

    As an importer who deals with customs multiple times per week, I can tell you a year ago customs clearance was typically within a day, then 6 months ago was typically in 3 days. For the past month it has never been less than 5 days, and many are past 10 days.
    Same staff, same forms, same computer system…what’s changed?

    Like 32
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  6. Palm Tree says:

    Must not forget how evil the port authority is. When customs gives you the OK PA then sucks you dry. They make the process 100 times worse. small charges here & there for days.

  7. @facts says:

    #demsay its a bunch of new people in there that weren’t trained properly and don’t know wa they doing and that’s why it taking so long buddy

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  8. Jackie Long says:

    It’s craziness! You now have only 24 hours to remove vehicles from the port. The average T-12 takes 72hrs to return.
    Blows, Blows, Blows!

    Like 10
  9. MAYBE says:


  10. Port Purcell says:

    should be run by a private company NOT the BVI Port Authority and Customs. Successful container and cargo ports on earth are usually private enterprises. Remove all the useless Customs duties and the Port Authority annoying fees and goods will leave this port much faster.

    The only government presence at this port must be the RBVIPF to prevent smuggling.

    Like 4
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  11. Are you serious? says:

    This was actually said in the HOUSE of ASSEMBLY.

    What is wrong with you people?

  12. Laz* says:

    For me the problem has ALWAYS been w/ L’s people. They are slow and they flat out lie about what’s being done n who’s doing what. Always pointing the finger at customs. So, the last time I called customs myself. Told them what was going on and what I was being told by L and asked if there was something I should be doing differently. They looked at my paperwork, the paperwork in their system and they called L and chewed him a new one (he hung up on them). I had my stuff an hour later. I know customs aren’t always perfect or right, but do NOT believe everything you are being told. Customs is the easy target and people fall for that excuse more than we should.

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  13. Charles says:

    Customs have the attitude that they rule the BVI.

  14. Busy Bee says:

    No surprises at this problem.
    For donkey’s years HM Customs has been a law unto themselves. Any dealing with HM Customs always feels like it’s adversarial. It’s as if each and every customs officer is first-and-foremost looking for a way to fine someone, as if their Christmas bonus depended on it!
    They are definitely NOT team players when it comes to the economy of the territory.

  15. Taxpayer says:

    “The Customs Department has not released any official statement informing residents of longer wait times when conducting business. As such, it is not clear if the issues are caused by inadequate staffing or lack of equipment needed to process goods”.
    Or they are a bunch of entitled secured government employees that don’t really have to put in a full workday when and if they show up.

  16. B says:

    One thing I know for sure is there is no consistency between officers, you get different requests from the same officer on different days, so what may work on Tuesday may be differ on Friday, and I am speaking first hand.

    Like 5
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  17. hmmm says:

    Because you get your paperwork from CAPS then Jaba put you in line when you go port to see if he customs coworkers did the paperwork correctly. But others he let go through NO HASSLE. HE IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST PROBLEM UP THERE

    Like 2
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  18. @hmmm says:

    I agree! Sometimes it’s those lazy folks at the Brookerage Office. Some of them could never find anything even if it right there on the screen or less than one foot away from them.

  19. Money making says:

    The process gets frustrated then a charge is levied for the goods still being in the port!

  20. Anonymous says:

    They are too busy dealing with square lobsters

  21. SIdney says:

    Too busy with square lobsters

  22. Sniffn says:

    Need to have 100$ bill with your paperwork!!

  23. Lg says:

    Had to pay 2500$ storage for a backhoe that sat for 5 days. All due to customs withholding papers
    Unfair process

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