BVI News

$36M spent on rent could’ve built new gov’t complex

The central administration complex in Road Town that houses several government offices. (GIS photo)

The government may be regretting a missed opportunity as it continues to assess the need to house public service workers after they were displaced from the Central Administration Complex by hurricanes Irma and Maria six years ago.

The two category-five hurricanes caused extensive damage to the since-renamed Ralph T O’Neal Administration Complex, forcing the government to occupy additional privately-owned spaces across the territory to accommodate workers.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley told the Talking Points show that millions of dollars could have been put towards a new construction since the time that public servants were forced to seek alternative office arrangements.

Dr Wheatley was at the time discussing the government’s plans to save money and suggested reducing the government’s expenditure on rental for office spaces as one of the major ways funds can be saved.

“Since about 2017 to now, we’ve probably spent maybe about $36 million on rent, and that $36 million could have built you another, of course, another government complex,” the Premier said. “So we are going to have to build another government complex, ’cause even when that complex is finished, we’re still gonna have a lot of persons on the outside.”

In 2018, the Central Statistics Office estimated the government’s rent expenditure to be approximately $6.4 million each year — a figure that has also been shared in the Commission of Inquiry (COI) report.

Repairs on the hurricane-damaged government complex began in late 2019 with the removal of debris and work on various sections of the roof. Recent works have included the installation of a new elevator at the complex. 

Premier Wheatley suggested during the budget debate late last year that the project time for the complex repairs was of some concern.

“We have money in [the budget] for the Ralph T O’Neal Central Administration Complex and we’re going to have to see how we’re going to get that project sped up. It’s taking too long,” the Premier said at the time.

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  1. HELLO says:

    to the wigged one on yhe yeLLo site who is spewing bout his racist rethoric everyday ((( let hear you holler out on this WASTE of TAXPAYERS MONEY BY OUR
    OWN PEOPLE with something CONSTRUCTIVE for once ))) WHO’S TO BLAME ❓️ surly it cannot be yhe UK OR CINDY OR WALWYN OR 6HE ISLAND PEOPLE THIS TIME / BUT we know you will always find a way to wiggle your way out of it with some propaganda sh*t as usUal

    Like 17
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  2. The Brits are coming says:

    but please, hurry up.

    Like 10
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  3. The Future says:

    Our territory must begin to embrace what other countries worldwide are doing, remote work. All it takes is some forward thinking. 3 days in office and 2 days of remote work with shift systems. All Heads on M/W/F. 2nd in command T/T/F. Then find creative solutions for the remaining staff. Remote/Zoom/Teams/WebX meetings. Why must we continue in the stone ages… Hire capable, competent and hard working people who can produce and then there is no need to babysit people in an office. Some jobs can be done remotely but we lack the innovative thinking to actually save money. If you move to paperless environments then you do not need all the spaces that you rent. Can we please join the 21st century.

    Like 14
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  4. I got an idea says:

    Our new national slogan should be taken from this article. It sums up the country perfect:
    “BVI – a missed opportunity”.

    Like 19
  5. lol says:

    This is a national travesty in itself.

    Like 10
  6. Nutcase says:

    BVI local government and people incharge of projects must take responsibility, accountability and transparent. There is neither any end date nor any transparency of the project. Don’t just brush under carpet.

  7. WTF says:

    BS. It costs us a million dollars just to build a bathroom.

    Like 13
  8. SMH says:

    When JOMA overpriced buildings up Purcell finish is when the complex will be completed. From they get that contract them warehouses up Purcell went up so fast and the complex like it on pause what a ting.

    Like 6
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  9. Busy Bee says:

    Don’t forget, the government’s office rental policy involves currying favour from certain people, sometimes achieved by contracting for extortionate rents in order to house various government offices.
    Recall that years ago the gov’t chose to move Motor Vehicles to the highly inconvenient current location in Pockwood Pond… Who owned that property and who was the chairman of the ruling party at the time?
    Or, ask why there are no other tenants in the Cutlass Building?

    Like 14
  10. The TRUTH says:

    Not these dinosaurs that need to appease their egos by micromanaging and lord over their little empires. We’ll be 20 years behind the curve as usual.

  11. WEW says:

    $36 million. That’s a lot of happy landlords/politicians.

  12. Remote work! says:

    Some places is like pulling teeth to work remotely even for ONE or TWO days. Have all the written policies in place but only management really are approved for them. You got to be almost dying…. In fact an employee did and looks like even then the company had an issue.

    Like 2
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  13. Rubber Duck says:

    Bit think of all the inflated rents the governments relatives and cronies have been getting.
    Would Ms. Lake would have been destitute without her pals in the government renting her wonderful properties at friends prices?

  14. @ the future says:

    That would involve a first class internet system which us lacking in the VI

    There are many worldwide who vacation and work from remote locations all over the World.
    Air BNB and rentals would get a boost if there was the ability to work remotely while in the VI.

  15. Spirit says:

    Electrical, Telephone, and Internet infrastructure are necessary for work-from-home to be workable.

  16. LB says:

    Crabs in bucket won’t understand And will say the money in rent was wasted. But I dare say that the money helped to stimulate the economy.

    What he didn’t say is how many landlords received rent funds from government. Easily 20 or more. That is 20 local property owners who were able to service their bank loans and hire staff and pay staff. Able to pay construction crews to remodel and retrofit the spaces for the govt department usage. 20 BVIslander property owners who were able to pay insurance companies to insure their property.

    The average person doesn’t understand the economics behind something like this and only see it as oh govt could have built one building with that money. Instead of building one building with bloated costs, including maintenance, govt was able to stimulate the economy far wider and keep many businesses and people afloat and employed.

    We cannot look at UK or USA models or even next door models to measure BVI successes. We have to look at works for our economy!

    Yes our politicians have not been the best stewards, but I will say that no matter what, and without UK help, BVI has always been able to dig ourselves out of holes. Weather financial world wide crash of the early 2000s, hurricane damage even before 2017, pandemic etc. all without any outside help. USVI relies on billions in federal aid from the US Govt. billions!

    We don’t get squat but we handle our affairs!

    It is sad the so-called leader doesn’t understand such things as micro economics and how govt can use this to stimulate an economy. $36 million in 6 years is just $6 million a year. Barely 1.7% of the annual budget.

    Money well spent to me!

    Watch what happens if all the property owners lose that rental money! Drain on the economy with no corporate tenants to fill the void.

    Like 2
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  17. Marconi says:

    Why are we not allowed to buy Star link internet?

    They can buy it in USVI.

    Has the government banned it?

  18. Rubber Duck says:

    Work ( lie on bed ) from home is a disaster in other places and is being reeled in.

    You really imagine our civil servants would “ work “ at home?

    Get real

    Like 1
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  19. Rubber Duck says:

    You defend cronyism and blatant corruption with thickenomics?

    You could equally argue that bank robberies were a good thing as the money would be in circulation rather than sitting in a vault.

    Best read a second book.

    Like 1
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  20. Buildings on fire says:

    The questions to answer is how many buildings has the VIP undertaken from it time in power thst has not finish as yet DDM that a concrete waist as if it will out live 300yrs with over runs the hospital peebles that an eye sore on the outside and cant finish the inside mr minster VG clinic more over runs top floor cant finish cause that not a hospital the only building that looking like it going to be finish by this administration is the rebuilding of the marine police complex. So where has all the monies go b e that was allocated to build or fix these building gone we need another COI on government spending and contracts on these buildings PRONTO

  21. Economy says:

    As pointed out that money has helped pay the rents and when the Govt pulls out is going to cause a crash in rents BUT the buildings picked are also crownies of the VIP and some of that money goes back to the VIP congress.
    Also none of those people rich in rent are reinvesting in the country. How many are donating to building schools, non profits, reading and swimming program s and how many of them have horded the cash or invested in property in Florida or Panama?

  22. @rubber duck says:

    Dumb thick reply! Nobody defended cronyism. These rents didn’t all go to VIP supporters. Dumb! The bank analogy also makes zero sense.

  23. BuzzBvi says:

    $40,000,000 in the hands of Fishing Cronies.
    $36,000,000 in the hands of Patsy and friends.

    What a great country we could have…

  24. LOL says:

    Shoulder we also get another airline while we’re on a blind spending spree? #whenwilltheylearn

  25. Long Watery Stupes!!! says:

    Stop slandering the company that was hired to install windows and doors! They got a contract to install windows and doors and that job is completed!!! Anyone with eyes can see that the windows and doors have been put on the building when they pass by! The rest of the work to finish the Complex has nothing to do with the windows installation contractor!!! Stupes!!!

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