BVI News

BVI loses access to EU funding

The BVI and other British Overseas Territories will no longer have access to any future funding for sustainable development from the European Union as the UK’s Brexit deal took effect on January 1, 2021.

According to a statement from Premier Andrew Fahie, the BVI “has long enjoyed a politically beneficial relationship with the European Union through our Associate Status as one of the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) directly associated with the bloc”.

Through this relationship the BVI was able to gain funds from the European Development Fund and other initiatives to tackle climate change, marine biodiversity and pursue renewable energy goals.

Premier Fahie said these benefits have now stopped although existing projects made under these agreements will continue.

Replacing EU with UN

Premier Fahie said the BVI government is currently strengthening ties with the United Nations amid the fallout from Brexit.

“In terms of the replacement of EU funding, we have taken steps to strengthen relations and cooperation with the United Nations to advance the sustainable development of the territory.”

He said the BVI signed a Memorandum of Understanding was signed on November 2, 2020, with the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, Luis Felipe Lopez-Calva, to deepen the level of cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). 

The Premier said this deepened cooperation will assist the territory with the implementation of a National Sustainable Development Plan toward the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

“With the support and partnership of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-ECLAC), the territory is already in the process of advancing a National Sustainable Development Plan,” Fahie said.

“In addition, UN ECLAC has also agreed to co-chair a summit with the Virgin Islands of the regional commission’s 14 Associate Member Countries (AMCs) in 2021 that will focus on addressing the assistance gap to the AMCs as they strive to meet UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals,” Premier Fahie further explained.

It’s now official! No more free trade, travel for BVI as Brexit takes effect

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  1. WEW says:

    Until we see a full accounting of where our monies go we shouldn’t even look for outside funds. Where’s our TRANSPERANCY ?

    Like 23
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    • 50% says:

      The EU grants Given to the BVI aren’t free to the UK.
      The UK pays 100% to the EU, the EU spends 50% on its admin costs and then makes a grant of the other 50%. It’s officials then expect a kickback from the 50% grant that it pays.
      The EU made a grant for the $7m beef island bridge, and introduced the BVI to a level of corruption that we had never seen before.
      The BVI is better off without the corrupt EU teaching us new tricks.

      Like 16
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  2. Looking says:

    The Belonger government of the BVI is always looking for free money and scams from which to line their pockets. No insight into earning an honest dollar. Always scheming and being devious.

    Like 13
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  3. EU Funding says:

    If we used to get money from the EU? how much was it and how often did we get? How much did we pay to be a part of EU?

    Like 8
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  4. Even says:

    with the inheritance of billions from free slave labor, a small island nation will soon realize it will not yield the same unilateral power, and project the same influence on the world stage, as it did collectively within the EU. Simple.

    Like 4
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  5. 1st district says:

    Now think about being INDEPENDENT!!!

    Like 3
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  6. Well well says:

    World Economic Forum, gets the BVI through their partner UN, lovely here we go part of the GREAT RE SET 2030, you will own nothing and be HAPPY.. Go to the World Economic Forum web site, it is and watch their videos, they do not hide their agenda. Sinking feeling. . .

  7. kook says:

    it is googfot yjr bvikeep ypur mouth shut sns stop calling down the uk re yhink wecannort do with out the uk this is just the firsy phase stop cline from talking we need the UK it is good on a sense the bvi should wale up do not bite the hand that protevt you

    Like 5
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  8. Concerned says:

    Cariforum membership is open to the Overseas Territories

  9. EU dictatorship says:

    We should stay as far away from the EU as we can. Don’t accept any of their gifts.

    Just look at how they are demanding to do what they want in UK fishing waters. Soon they will demand that we let those people from Martinique, Guadeloupe and St. Martin/Maarten be allowed to behave the same way towards us. Or they will blacklist us.

  10. Oh no says:

    Who will pay for the new aiport, roads, shelters now?

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