BVI News

Not a popularity contest! Former First Lady confirms candidacy

Lorna Smith

Former First Lady Lorna Smith pointed to her competence and experience as options for voters to consider at the next elections, confirming in the process that she intends to be a candidate for elected office.

“About two weeks ago, I was asked, in fact, I was told that the story was going to be printed and I said then that I was seriously considering, and today I can tell you that I have made my decision that I will contest the elections, as I said, as an At-Large candidate,” Smith said on JTV’s The Big Story.

When asked what qualifies her to be a candidate, Smith said she is skilled in negotiations and has worked for several leaders of the territory, including former Chief Minister H. Lavity Stoutt and her husband and former Premier Dr D Orlando Smith. 

“My mission as a professional has always been to make sure that the territory of the British Virgin Islands got the best — I’m running to fulfil that mission,” she shared.

She alluded to global issues that impact the BVI, such as the Ukraine war and said the territory needs to continue to be a global competitor. 

She also pointed to her international experience and noted that she had been instrumental in establishing both the BVI’s Hong Kong and London Offices.

Smith said she is also passionate about education, infrastructure and climate change, among other things and said these were important areas that need to be looked at.

I never ran the country 

Meanwhile, the former First Lady dismissed suggestions that she was the proverbial ‘power behind the throne’ while her husband served as leader of the territory for three four-year terms and said she learned a lot from him.

“I learned a lot from Dr Smith, the premier. I learned to listen to as many people in the community as possible because part of communications, in fact, probably the most important part of communications is listening,” Smith said. 

“Nothing could be further from the truth,” Smith said about the allegations. “In fact, I’m very proud, as I said of my husband… he is one of the most brilliant persons in the British Virgin Islands.” 

While admitting to sharing her opinions like anyone else in the territory, Smith said her husband, at the end of the day, has a very fine mind and makes his own decisions.

“We need experience and we need strength to guide the BVI into the future. We’re not running a popularity contest,” Smith said. “We can’t afford it. So it is not about who is better liked, it’s about who you trust and who is more competent. I consider myself to be trustworthy and to be competent.”

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  1. LOL! says:

    Not my vote!

    Like 34
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  2. Rubber Duck says:

    Talks the talk but does not seem to walk the walk.
    Was all over the airline project and the lost $7m plus.
    More of the same old same old.

    Like 33
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  3. xxx says:

    She was one of the most co**upt public officers she must stand down we do not want our constitution suspended

    Like 20
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  4. Election is not a popularity contest! says:

    Actually it is exactly that!

    Like 29
  5. LB says:

    Guh siddung

    Like 19
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  6. Ummm says:

    Honey darling, you think it hard to greet people with a “good morning” or “good afternoon” when you are out shopping, but you looking a vote??? Have several seats. That’s one thing about doc, he was never too high and mighty for anyone.

    Like 58
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  7. SMH! says:

    Dear Lord, am I dreaming right now?! This f#$kin clown circus now has to stop!! Ridiculous! I am not voting for past nor present reps; nor the old guard public servants! Fresh, progressive individuals that understand local, regional, and international issues!!! Furthermore, no candidates who are deeply embedded in the elite societies of the BVI; you know who they are!!

    Like 24
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  8. Hmm says:

    Who is she married to, who is her brothers?

    Like 16
  9. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    My concern is that there is no track record on social Justice or technical awareness. She is close to the grounded planes fiasco Also she can be seen to be a 1 percenter that has never related to the remaining 80 to 90 percent of the population. Maybe she sees something I don’t see in relation to her electability

    Like 25
  10. Champagne says:

    To her last breath she will be self-serving. Go for it old girl knock off a few more generations. Let them know who got the experience around here. Strupes. !

    Like 8
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  11. Guest says:

    The reality is that one is elected by “popular vote.”

    In summary, a popular vote is simply a vote in which the individual or issue with the most total votes from a population of voters is the winner.

    So, it’s left to be seen how many persons votes for her.

  12. please says:

    Enough! stop making this place a poppy show. This woman is not from here; as well as her season has passed.

    Like 7
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  13. lol says:

    This lady has three previous terms from 2011 to 2019 and from 2003 to 2007. She had her chance

    Like 13
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  14. Aunty Susan says:

    Well if we are talking about fitness, how many here can run a half marathon? She can and does. To raise money for charity.

    As for the common touch. When was the last time anyone here went out painting community centers and the like ? For free. She does

    You see Wheatley doing that? Malone? Skelton? Any of those government women.?

    Like 14
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  15. Rubber Duck says:

    The imposter above does not reflect my views.

    I don’t see a better or more experienced candidate than Lorna Smith.

    Like 16
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  16. In Equity says:

    you must have clean hands to enter this legal realm. Apparently not in BVI politics if this old lady can just decide to run for election. The election bar in the BVI just hit an all time low!

    Like 10
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  17. 911 says:

    We are not going back to Lorna the dark days of selling the country to whites and corruption NOT GOING BACKWARD

    Like 9
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  18. The TRUTH says:

    As long as its someone that doesn’t bow down to the UK like a dog

    Like 3
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  19. @Aunty Susan says:

    Really?? So cause she can run a marathon and paint a building it mean she can run the territory???? Y’all really sick!!!! Run and paint??? LMAO!!!!!!

    Like 15
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  20. Wtf says:

    We will not recycle discarded garbage.

    Like 15
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  21. Friend of lorna says:

    Leave her alone she smart work in the asia house. Husband is a doctor and was the premier .hush no drives an audi .not fat like you slim and trim iam proud . Loud and agressive doctors in my family ar yo jealous friends in high places that’7s your canadate at large bang vote LORNA CREQUE SMITH TO THE NEXT HOUSE OF ASSEMBLEY

    Like 6
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  22. @Friend of Lorna says:

    The only house she will he assembled at is what she have up macnamara wid she husband … ?.

    Dead on arrival!!!!

    Like 8
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  23. in fairness says:

    why all the bashing? Is that all we are good at? I am not for, or against the lady. At the end of the day, every eligible person has a right to put themselves up for election. Same way, every voter has a right to mark their X to whoever they wish to vote for. Simple. Just vote the candidate of your choice and stop the bashing. Let us grow up, treat each other with respect and we will see this community turn around

    Like 18
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  24. Hunny says:

    It absolutely is a popularity contest.
    An this chick ain’t nobody’s picking!

    Like 4
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  25. wake up says:

    She educated, she know how to deal with foreign poleticians, she fix things so we can do business not be shut down.

    Like 5
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  26. @Aunty susan says:

    Dont forget:

    Like 8
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  27. Hmm says:

    So Willy T going have to move again

  28. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    @ Rubber Duck – you are right because they all leave something to be desired when asking whether I want any of these people to lead

  29. Ray says:

    And that is exactly our problem in the BVI, if people don’t hail you, they are not fit for office but those that hailing your corrupt to the core…strupes

    Like 5
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  30. Don’t bury your head in the sand says:

    Until the mind set change , elections is still a popularity contest . Be warned !!!

  31. @Ray says:

    Lol you mad bro? Did I strike a nerve?? LMAO

  32. Scary says:

    I really don’t know when we became so mean and uncaring.

  33. Lmao says:

    She was CSC before there was a CSC! Consultancy after consultancy after consultancy

  34. Just saying says:

    Lorna has more brains than any of the guys in government at present. She’s actually someone who understands what the Territory needs to continue to maintain it’s financial services sector- which, despite all the negativity towards expats, is driven by them and leads to the significant resources, including for social security and NHI, that the lower income earners use heavily…

    Like 2
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  35. @ rubber duck says:

    No to Lorna no to racist whites running the bvi

    Like 5
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  36. Concerned Voter says:

    Thank you Mrs. Smith, the Territory needs experience leaders to navigate us through these turbulent times and to the next level. You are a right fit and I pray that other votes give you a chance.

  37. Jim says:

    We don’t recycle garbage here

    We burn it

  38. patsyleak says:

    she’ll have some of the white votes from her pals she allegedly gave belongership to after irma

  39. Tafari Zharr says:


    By Tafari Zharr

    Who knew that there’d be this excitement and response to Lorna Smith’s “getting into her marks, get set” in the political race?

    The “Lorn Star” Candidate has amassed a following bringing together natives, belongers, Br citizens, and UK citizens, and others perhaps unwittingly unleashing the “Lorn Stars” – a fan Phenom in the making.

    So, for the “Lorn Stars“ Lorna is a necessary good. “Lorna just needs to get in the race and DUCK identity politics ; she has to r – u- n like she’s never ran before! Neither catwalk nor cake walk – I think she knows it’s going to be a battle for the deserving person.

    Lorna’s platform could be reformation towards betterment for all regardless of ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other group with relief/ plan of actions as well with focus for integration of for inclusion, equality, and justice, fair work practices, sexual harassment, sexual harassment,

    On the other hand BVI “Dreamers” are curious- and I’m being told that Lorna Smith (who is coming out of semiretirement) has to be solutions oriented critical and approachable (albeit she’s a normally visible and well known person).

    Besides refreshing- It could be game changing for many who tuned out or otherwise felt left out of the local VI political process. For some Virgin Islanders her cumulative resume may very well deliver something different, given her reach, superb, local and global connections, and diplomatic capabilities.

    There’s strong emotion for the candidate’s bravery with mixed feelings with reference of ageism or gender. Yet the reason for her to leave her mark and run is a good-one for those campaigning. As a well intentioned newcomer she’ll Shake things up!

    Remarkably inspiring, one hopes she find her political starting lane promptly around emotions and noises from the “divisionists and the divisionistas” and that she doesn’t have any false starts or missteps trying to prove something or someone she isn’t.

    What’s relevant is: if she’s as committed to her purpose as she has been before as a civil servant, and as a civic minded individual all eyes are on her. With Lorna’s ears on the gun it’s her race to win or lose. Imagine her appealing to her constituents and the people showing out. Who will be bothered by her authenticity? Outstanding, Outspoken and Outcomes driven!

    Lorna is the embodiment of a woman cultivated by us for us and by VI standards for the world to respect and appreciate. She’s no slouch! Others are admittedly claiming Lorna is already an icon- influencer in fashion, affinity of famous families; but a female on the frontier of change in VI politics sets a political precedent that would be uniquely hers! Clearly she’s Justified in her decision to fight for her territory- Go Girl! RUN LORNA RUN.

    The Lorn Star Candidate.Copyright (c) 2023. Tafari Zharr

  40. Common sense says:

    Then perhaps you sit and think for a while, the single largest problem every voter has today, is, who is honest, every single candidate is responsible in some way shape or form for the findings of the COI. Conversely, Lorna Smith has never been in government, so, she carries none of that baggage. Every Premier has ensued they are also minister of finance, this would be the first time in the BVI’s history the Premier would be qualified to carry that title, assuming it’s something she wanted. In terms of trust, Lorna Smith could not have held a senior position in finance unless she was completely honest, the financial world would never have accepted her position without that being the case. So perhaps she has something no other candidate possesses this time around.

  41. @@aunty susan says:

    that was about how fit she is. Her government experience is unmatched by any other candidate. She was Lavity stouts Private Secretary, she more of less ran the finance Industry Office, she established our Office inn hong kong which brings us a great deal of finance business.

  42. Old... says:

    LS is the fittest 70 year old i know and younger than Ronnie and Fraser , funny how no one says they are too old

  43. Road Town Rebel says:

    My mission as a professional has always been to make sure that the territory of the British Virgin Islands got the best.

    Ok, But she’s on reciord railroading people who wanted the best for this dam country also.

  44. VIP took the Crown says:

    VIP is the most curroupt and dishonest party ever. While I don’t care for Miss Smith and Allen W to be in government again I will not give the most curroupt ever The VIP a free pass.

  45. LORNA! says:

    The kind of background knowledge that Lorna has in reference to the BVI & Foreighn affairs as well as Financial Services, surpasses what our other present or past politician have.

    Her background knowledge and experience are what the government needs now.


    POPULARTY HAS PROVEN TO BE A DEATH SENTENCE to many elected officials.

    Can’t you see?
    We should be considering what is best for our country NOT popularity.

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