BVI News

Property owners will be prosecuted for unsanitary living conditions

A section of Tortola.

Health Minister Carvin Malone has issued a warning that property owners will be prosecuted if they provide unsafe and unsanitary areas for other persons to reside.

The minister sounded the warning in an update to the territory yesterday, September 16, while reporting on an “overcrowded commercial property on Wickhams Cay that has, seemingly, been unlawfully converted into residential use”.

“I would like to sound a warning to all property owners who may be tempted to violate the laws of the Virgin Islands and disregard people’s basic human rights to safe, sanitary and decent living conditions. Cease and desist or suffer the consequences of the law. A word to the wise is sufficient,” Minister Malone warned.

Meanwhile, the minister said persons who were living in the building have since been tested for COVID-19.

“All the occupants of that property have been quarantined, tested and will be required to undergo a follow-up test after 14 days,” Malone stated.

The minister did not publicly name the building in question. But, his report comes days after a media release from the Ministry of Labour & Immigration that they discovered 72 persons residing in the Betteto Frett Building on Wickham’s Cay.

When the property was initially discovered, Labour & Immigration said all the occupants, except for the two Venezualans, were residing in the BVI legally.

Venezuelans held in Sunday raid and now awaiting deportation

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  1. Words or actions says:

    Have criminal proceedings been commenced against the owner of the commercial building? I didn’t think so!

    Like 27
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  2. 2020 says:

    I didn’t know Wickhams Cay was an area set for residential purposes.

    I guess the owner had to make money from his building even if doing so is unlawful.


    Like 10
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  3. Right!! says:

    H— not the only one. Let them check out one of their biggest supporters rentals too. She’s the Queen of Slum. What’s good for the Goose better be good for the Gander.

    No one should be above the Law.

    Like 40
  4. WOW! says:

    People p!$$!ng and $#!tt!ng in buckets in this day and age? WOW!

    Like 11
  5. Earl says:

    I was inside this building just over a year ago.. was pretty shocked that it was allowed then.
    It was like a barracks for Hispanic workers.. then the odd women walking around in heir night clothes.
    When Covid 19 broke out in February,I was concerned that this place and others around the Territory, would be a breeding ground for the virus to quickly spread here.
    As usual the authorities are 7 months too late ! We have been lucky !

    Like 16
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    • Wow says:

      A year ago? Wow. Did not even realize people were in there till they raided it. Can’t believe this has been happening for so long. And right there in the middle of town across from government admin complex. Why was something not done about this before?

  6. Mr. Hodge says:

    Head in the sand… There are countless of properties in this territory not fit for rodents to occupy much less human beings. Who are we kidding, East End, Purcell, Long Bush and other areas have properties where people shouldn’t be allowed to occupy but the fall under the category of “low income housing”. The law makers see the same buildings I see unless they have rose colored glasses or extra tinted windows.

    Like 17
  7. Ok so says:

    SSB made a statement saying that one have to apply one month in advance for employee certificate of earning um can someone tell the honourable government this please because they started phase two of repatriation on the 1st of september for expat etc. and one of the critetia is certificate of earnings. So if an expat apply on the first of september they will get one month after. Um this will be given in October now how can an expat benefit from free quarantine in september when the cannot get their requirements on time. Please advice. Thank you.

  8. Lpl says:

    Only not. Prosecuted me foot. Strupes

  9. John says:

    You would be surprised to know the amount of ghettos in the BVI

  10. Ghetto says:

    The whole Town look like a Ghetto not blaming this Government the one before did nothing to make the Town look modernise Irma was a Blessing in disguise to rid the Town of some of those derelict buildings

    Like 6
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  11. Haha says:

    If the government isn’t doing anything about it I plan on renting 3 of his “Apartments” and renting for $600.00 a month. He said it’s $300.00 a month including beds, lining, electricity, water, internet, cleaning services, air-condition, TV, central lounge and laundry facility and still some tenants cant afford to pay him. Well Betteto you will never have to worry about me. Every 28th day you will get your money just let me know if you need cash or I can arrange to have it sent to your account.

  12. VG says:

    Mr.Minister pls. hurry come to VG.We’ve district rep.,sister island cordinator,at large rep.any my goodness these Santos have the place like a squalr.Machanic shops intenants yard whore houses in grave yard,rum shops popping daily in back yards I think Town&Country needs to pay a visit over here also.

  13. Rubber Duck says:

    What a really nice person this Frett is. Lots of stories about his great generosity around. That will be why the government will do nothing about this.

    Unless of course he has them in his pocket?

    Like 2
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  14. lawyer says:

    Mr. Frett has been victimized by the Bank. They took his insurance money, charged out all to interest then foreclosed on him. Just so they can sell the property to an expat! We would not stand for that to be done to a generous man like Betteto. Give the man his money let him finish his building project. De Place needs to return!

  15. Yeah along with urselfs says:

    They see everything except that big pot hole in the road leavin they house, why they dont deal with what they pass everyday

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