BVI News

Second family ‘tied up’, robbed by gunmen

The East End Police Station

The police are reporting that a second family was attacked and tied up by masked gunmen on Friday, September 18; just hours after a similar incident occurred on Virgin Gorda.

The second incident occurred in East End, Tortola.

The official report from the police said two masked men entered the home of an East End resident on Friday evening. The resident is said to be an employee of Scaffco Shutters.

One of the gunmen reportedly tied the family with clothing and searched through their belongings.

The men, having found cash and jewellery, fled the scene before police arrived. No one was injured during the ordeal.

Previous incident

Just hours before this incident, masked gunmen entered the home of an employee of EMC Construction on Virgin Gorda and demanded his whereabouts.

Using straps, the gunmen tied the family and also demanded money from them. The suspects later fled the scene before the arrival of the officers.

The police are asking persons with information that can lead to the identification of the suspects in both cases to contact the emergency number 911 or RVIPF’s non-emergency line 311.

All information will be treated with discretion and confidentiality will be assured.

Family ‘tied up’ by gunmen who invade home on Virgin Gorda

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  1. unsafe says:

    Keep the economy close you will see worst than just robbery, people are hungry it’s not easy hearing your kids say the hungry and you don’t have anything to give then to eat, also these ungrateful landlords putting ppl out for rent a lot of ppl are jobless because most of them are in the tourism industry,
    It is about time you ppl open up the island for tourism like the rest of islands with proper measures in place to prevent the virus. Covid-19 isn’t going anywhere anytime soon unless you ppl plan to wait next 5-6 years when the virus finish to open up your economy. If that’s the case good luck you will make this island fall to nothing, it is about time the business ppl speak out cause this vip government doesn’t seems to know what the are doing the get no PLANS

    Like 18
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    • GTFOH says:

      Robberies been happening long before COVID so stop the nonsense. These criminals didn’t just find a gun after we got our first COVID case.

      Like 21
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      • Lost Lemon says:

        True! But it is a catalyst that has made them a lot bolder now!

        Like 4
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        • GTFOH says:

          You’re right, When the criminals boldly robbed Moneygram, First Bank and National Bank in broad daylight with customers and busy traffic and pedestrians close by it was all due to COVID-19.

    • Basic reading and writing. says:

      Worse not worst – how many times has this mistake been made – we need to stop making such basic mistakes. Everybody seems to make this mistake!

      How do the kids say ‘the hungry’?

      It’s them not then.

      Like 6
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      • Yawn says:

        Kudos to you for wasting your time correcting the many, many grammatical errors in that first post. We need the public library back ASAP or the entire territory will be unsafe.

    • Yup says:

      This is a result of the poor misguidance and mismanagement by the Foy and his henchmen. The black man resorts to crime when there is lawlessness. We see it throughout the world. The only way to prevent it is to restore some semblance of normalcy. Natures Little Secret is gaining worldwide attention. Crime Pays in Nature’s Little Secret so Come Play. Maybe Foy can have a logo made for the new slogan.

      Like 1
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  2. Resident says:

    In Turks & Caicos I believe the Governor got a company of Royal Marines sent to help with border security and patrolling during Covid. We may need to do the same fast. If you get 1 home invasion that ends badly you can kiss goodbye to your offshore and commercial litigation and insolvency industry.

    Like 26
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    • Duh says:

      The government doesn’t want outside help because then their dirty business deals and practices will be brought to light. Crazy how all the people in charge are millionaires…

  3. NDP says:


    Like 9
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  4. Anonymous says:

    If this was my family, if your name have every been mention as a criminal, if you even look the part you were catching some heat. Put a stop to this bs, enforce even the smallest of infractions so the society understands we are serious about having a positive environment. This is going Too FAR!!!!

    Like 11
  5. Travel Restrictions Query says:

    So, with boat traffic restricted and assuming these are the same idiots, check the VG to Trellis Bay ferry manifest. Most likely mode of transport for Friday. These guys are not Rhodes Scholars. Don’t buy “they hungry” plea either. Lawless gunmen, preying on working people.

    Any vehicle descriptions? Maybe they used same in VG, and that would place them on the car ferry. Most criminals don’t take taxis or walk between crime scenes, right?

    Good luck to the RVIPF. These assclowns need to be brought down hard before someone is killed (hopefully, them). The courts need to deal swift, harsh Justice if you are serious about deterring these idiots. Otherwise, you’ll have a new brand of home-grown family business. Welcome to the Jungle.

  6. Doh says:


    There are NO GUNS in the BVI! This is a utopia, a mecca, an enclave of peace and paradise. Guns do not exist here and we are free from those of chose to use them for violent purposes.

    Remember every authority official has and will tell you the same.

    Bad for tourism. But wait, we have none.

    Carry on.

    Like 4
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  7. No option says:

    Guess we all have to wait or turn to be robbed or killed before they legalize guns, the politicians have a option if they want to be able to legally carry that’s why they not worrying about us regular folks, wake up people.

    Like 3
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  8. tola says:

    they tying up the wrong family…let them come mess with ……. and see….

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