BVI News

Two new cases and 7 recoveries! More businesses can now operate

Two more COVID-19 cases have been detected in the British Virgin Islands, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 66.

The Ministry of Health made the announcement in a statement released minutes before midnight on Friday, September 11.

He said these two latest cases had been tested among a total 34 persons. Meanwhile, among the remaining 32 negative results were seven new recoveries, Health Minister Carvin Malone reported.

With the increase in recoveries, the Cabinet of the Virgin Islands met Friday evening and agreed for the territory’s curfew order to be amended to allow all businesses — with the exception of a select few — to operate as of September 12 between the hours of 5 am and 1 pm daily.

The businesses still not permitted to operate are salons, hairdressers, barbershops, restaurants for in-service dining, bars, nightclubs, and pubs.

The ministry said those businesses are to remain closed “until further notice”.

As for the businesses now allowed to operate, they will be subject to inspection by the Social Distancing Monitoring Task Force and certification by the Environmental Health Division.

“Although we are still on curfew, I want to again thank the public for their cooperation and assure them that the Government is doing all that it can to make the best decisions with everyone’s best health and interest in regard,” Malone stated.

Cabinet will meet on September 15 to further review the territory’s COVID-19 safety protocols.

COVID-19 Statistics
Confirmed cases – 66
Active cases – 28
Recoveries – 37
Deaths – 1
Number of Persons Tested – Over 4,000

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  1. Sad says:

    Vincy and them l***g government should be ashamed

    Like 3
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  2. Interested says:

    I wonder why this was added to curfew order#31??
    8. From the date this Order comes into force until Wednesday, 16th September,
    2020 a person operating a Cruise Liner may be permitted to make technical calls
    or warm lay ups to the Territory, subject to compliance with the protocols
    established by the BVI Ports Authority and endorsed by the Health Emergency
    Operations Centre

    Like 1
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    • @ Interesting says:

      As with airplanes, the first issue with maintaining an idle cruise ship is simply finding a place to park it. As many as 16,000 planes have been grounded in the pandemic, hiding out in dry and rust-proof places that range from hangars and airport tarmacs to desert boneyards. Ships are similarly scrambling to find the right conditions to weather the storm.

      There’s not enough port space for every ship to dock at once, especially for huge ships that ordinarily carry up to 8,880 passengers and crew. Some vessels have had no choice but to drop anchor at sea, occasionally stopping into the nearest port for provisions and fuel.

      Crew remain on board.

      Like 4
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  3. yes says:

    Well done. now we need to push this curfew back to 10pm so we can really get back to business.

    Like 10
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    • TG says:

      I agree that there is need to shift curfew back to 8pm or 10pm so that businesses can have more service hours . The curfew is having adverse effect on private businesses and earning of the employees because the government workers will still receive their salaries from tax payers money.
      Smuggling from neighboring should be blocked to prevent this type spread of COVID-19 and the hardship arising from it on economy.

      Like 2
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  4. Anonymous says:

    People please adhere to the rules. This is a small island.

    Like 21
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    • Lawlessness says:

      There’s a video of some cars purposefully drifting on the rainy road in Huntums Ghut today endangering others.

      There were other cars on the road too. It rained around 1 and curfew is in effect.

      Lawless society.

      Like 9
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      • Idis says:

        Some idiots were doing the same thing late in the night too. Around Purcell area/Free Bottom.
        Go where you’re not disturbing the public. They are so inconsiderate.

  5. Will says:

    This ignorance about the virus is fake, is going to put a whole lot of you in a early grave. What is so damn hard for most of you to simply follow the rules that was put in place. I SCORN THE ONES THAT IS WALKING AROUND WITHOUT A MASK OR SOCIAL DISTANCING BECAUSE YOU ARE THE ONES THAT IS SPREADING THE VIRUS IN YOUR COMMUNITIES. IF YOU ARE NOT WEARING A MASK OR NOT SOCIAL DISTANCING, YOU ARE SIMPLY DIRTY AND I DON’T WANT ANY DIRTY PEOPLE WITHIN 10 FEET OF MY SPACE.

    Like 14
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  6. People Goin Bazzody! says:

    Open the bars or close the churches to. Fair is fair. Wha good feh goat good feh sheep to.

    Like 17
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  7. Just saying says:

    Close them both.

    Like 20
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  8. Where is the Plan? says:

    We know no one will die. They all will soon recover. Come on, Deal with the reality, and get the forward moving plan going.. We’ve been stagnant for too long.

  9. EH says:

    @Where is the Plan. Why don’t you plan to tell those harden ones who refuse to wear their masks and socisl distance to do so, in order that we all can move forward?

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