BVI News

VG airport closed again! More firetruck problems months after receiving new vehicle

Provided photo of the newly-renovated section of the Virgin Gorda-based airport.

After being closed for months because of malfunctioning fire services vehicle, the Taddy Bay Airport on Virgin Gorda has once again been forced to close because of a similar issue.

The BVI Airport Authority (BVIAA) made that announcement in a media release on Monday, August 12, notifying the public that the Virgin Gorda airport would be closed “until further notice”.

“The closure was due to an operational issue with the rescue and fire-fighting services vehicle. All efforts are being made to rectify the problem and to ensure that air service to the airport is resumed as soon as possible,” the BVIAA stated.

It was only recently that a new fire truck was placed at the Virgin Gorda-based facility.

The airport had received the new truck for its reopening back in November 2018.

Prior to that date, the airport remained closed for seven months because it’s original fire truck experienced a malfunction.

As for this latest 2019 closure, the BVIAA is advising persons travelling to and from Virgin Gorda by air to “contact their airline representatives for alternate arrangements”.

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  1. Hmmmm. says:

    If y’all didn’t waste money and buy an used truck y’all wouldn’t be in this situation. An airport fire appliance is a vital piece of equipment for an airport. The government tried to rush open the airport to save face but now the chickens are coming home. Wait till they find out all the airport trucks have problems that’s when things will get real interesting.
    TBL : 2 new trucks needed
    Anegada: 1 new truck
    Virgin gorda: 1 new truck.

    • Badmine says:

      Real fire Trucks needed , which can do just about any things in its way,ladder hydrulic trucks also.spend good for good things,FORD is allways a problem.

  2. Lard says:

    What else could possibly go wrong at the airport?

  3. Priorities?? says:

    But they can and have money to outfit the new administration with brand new highly expensive vehicles.

    Self engrandisement at the expense of careless about the critical priorities of the public.

    So it appears from out here.

    Like 14
  4. Badmine says:

    Real fire Trucks needed , which can do just about any things in its way,ladder hydrulic trucks also.spend good for good things,FORD is allways a problem.

  5. smh says:

    But one in Opposition is crying for new furniture in the house! LOL Will the BVI EVER gets its infrastructure priorities straight?

    Like 13
    • @smh says:

      Nope, nope, nope, nope! The political minds before the advent of huge money are no more.

      It can be said with supreme knowledge and confidence that political minds and people’s hearts such as Robinson O’neal, L. Stoutt, and T.B.Lettsome to an extent, and a few others were the last of clean politicians and politics in the BVI.

      Today, the propensity for money, the addiction to it, the greed and unconscionable lack of emphaty for others are the kinds of minds being attracted to and are in politics since the ending of the 20th century or before..

      We will have to acknowledge those facts and hope to yield a party of different mind than we currently have.

    • ..... says:

      Why ayo killing fraser for furniture while letting fahie off the hook for an expensive suv

  6. watching says:

    When will amateur hour ever end ? Just fix the dam truck !!

  7. vip heckler says:

    We bought a $115000 cadillac for the premier when the one Dr Smith used had only need a wheel alignment. Then we turned around and purchased a $80000 yukon for a speaker who in 6 months has already cost this country close to $500000 with his ignorance swearing in Mark Vanterpool. To add insult to injury, we ordered 6 more top of the line SUVs for every minister{juniors and all} except Sheep

    Like 17
  8. John Doe says:

    @ Vip Heckler you ain’t easy you got dem zero’s down pack lol talk de things dem

  9. Retired says:

    Maybe it’s time to sell the VG airport to Branson along with the Beef Island airport. I’ll bet he could keep both airports operational 24/7 all year long!

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