The government may be regretting a missed opportunity as it continues to assess the need to house public service workers after they were displaced from the Central Administration Complex by hurricanes Irma and Maria six years ago. The two category-five […]
Archive for September, 2023

Let’s brainstorm! No plans yet to fill $26M Joe’s Hill homes
Minister for Social Development Vincent Wheatley pleaded with Eighth District Representative Marlon Penn to help the government fill more than 40 empty homes still remaining at Joe’s Hill Manor after the government’s low-cost initiative missed the mark for many first-time […]

Gov’t earned $45K from $250K non-stop concert
Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley said nearly $50,000 was earned in revenue from the government’s non-stop concert hosted earlier this year to celebrate the arrival of American Airlines’ non-stop flights to the territory. Premier Wheatley, who also serves as the territory’s […]

Make it harder for foreign workers to become Belongers?
The government has been advised to implement measures to make it more difficult for work permit holders to be eligible for residency and Belongership status. The advice was given in a recent report spearheaded by former permanent secretary Kedric Malone, […]

Gov’t gifts new home to family of deceased woman
Cassandra Sutton was one of the many who applied for a home under the Housing Recovery Assistance Programme after the 2017 hurricanes hit the BVI. However, unlike many applicants who were able to collect their keys, she recently passed before […]

15-yr-old charged with theft of scooter
BVI News understands that a 15-year-old boy from the Greenland community was recently slapped with a charge of theft, after it was determined that he was the one who stole a scooter that was reported missing in May. Reports are […]

Penn confronts Works Minister over market square spaces
Eighth District Representative Marlon Penn took issue with the government’s Market Square space and questioned the Communications and Works Minister, Kye Rymer, over what he felt were some of the site’s shortcomings and its purpose. The $1.7 million facility debuted […]

Less than half of $2M social assistance funding disbursed
The government budgeted roughly $2.4 million for social assistance funding through the Social Development Department (SDD) this year, after welfare assistance grants had been moved from the purview of lawmakers, the House of Assembly (HOA), and the Premier’s Office last […]

Just $5M repaid on EE/LL sewerage loan to TPP
The government has repaid just a little more than half of the $8 million loan that was taken from the East End/Long Look (EE/LL) Sewerage Project and re-routed to the Tortola Pier Park (TPP) Project under the previous National Democratic […]

Walwyn pleads with gov’t over poor roads
Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn made an urgent plea to Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley in the House of Assembly (HOA) this week, for the government to focus its attention on getting the territory’s roads fixed. Walwyn asked Premier Wheatley whether […]