Minister of Agriculture Dr Natalio Wheatley is projecting that poultry production will become a major source of revenue for Anegada’s economy in the near future. Speaking at the ground-breaking ceremony for a poultry facility in Anegada recently, Dr Wheatley said […]
Archive for March, 2022

Good feedback from banks on Stamp Duty amendment — Fahie
Premier Andrew Fahie has said that amendments made to the Stamp Duty Act have been met with very good feedback from banks in the territory. The amended Stamp Duty Act, although passed in the House of Assembly (HOA), had not […]

No need to change BVI’s US currency if independent
A fear that the BVI may lose the US dollar as its official currency once it becomes independent appears to be largely unfounded, an international consultant on governance, Dr Carlyle Corbin has signalled. Fears have persisted for some time with […]

No timeline for lifting COVID restrictions, measures — Premier
While several countries regionally have lifted entry restrictions and made significant adjustments to their COVID-19 protocols, Premier Andrew Fahie has declined to offer any timeline for the removal of restrictions here in the BVI. The US Virgin Islands and Puerto […]

Moving vendors directly off Long Bay Beach shoreline might stimulate economic activity
Junior Minister for Trade & Economic Development, Shereen Flax-Charles has said she does not believe moving vendors from the shoreline at Long Bay Beach will impact their economic activity. The legislator said moving them would rather stimulate their revenue-earning as […]

Young locals encouraged to look at agriculture as ‘viable career path’
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Dr Natalio Wheatley has been encouraging young people in the territory to get involved in the agriculture and fisheries sector as he said it is a viable career path and an always-ready market for the […]

Duo found with $805K in BVI waters found guilty! $$ forfeited to Crown
The two men found in BVI waters with $805,370 cash in June 2020 were yesterday found guilty on all charges and ordered by the court to forfeit the monies seized during the operation. The two offenders — Kemel Wilson, a […]

Referendum not needed for BVI to get independence — Governance expert
Governance expert Dr Carlyle Corbin has expressed that a referendum is not needed in order for the BVI to move towards self-determination or independence. Dr Corbin gave that indication while appearing as a guest on the Honestly Speaking radio show […]

Much fear-mongering by independence critics — Skelton Cline
Social commentator Claude Skelton Cline has argued that there has been much fear-mongering projected about the BVI going the route of independence. While hosting his weekly Honestly Speaking radio show, Skelton Cline said some persons have been arguing that the […]

New online permit system to address previous shortcomings
Immigration and Labour Minister Vincent Wheatley said a ‘2.0’ version of the online work permit system that was shelved after being blamed for much of the current work permit delays, will likely remedy much of the ails of the previous […]