BVI News

Articles By: Davion

Cops nab accused VG gunmen after alleged armed robbery

Cops nab accused VG gunmen after alleged armed robbery

Police have arrested and charged two Virgin Gorda male residents who were allegedly involved in a recent armed robbery at the weekend. Charged are 44-year-old Richard Creque of North Sound and 42-year-old St Lucia native, Neil St Rose. Creque is […]

by / on May 29, 2018 at 3:17 PM /
First, early 2018 storm rocks region; at least two dead

First, early 2018 storm rocks region; at least two dead

Less than a week before the official start to the 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season, Subtropical Storm Alberto has been identified as the first named storm of the season and it has already started wreaking havoc in the region. Media reports […]

by / on May 29, 2018 at 10:51 AM /
Fahie fires at NDP: You breached Constitution too

Fahie fires at NDP: You breached Constitution too

At a time when the United Kingdom is being accused of breaching the Virgin Islands Constitution, accusations are also being fired at the Premier Dr D Orlando Smith Administration that they too have violated the territory’s Constitution. This latest attack […]

by / on May 29, 2018 at 8:09 AM /
Stop it! Shipping Registry reports increase in illegal anchoring

Stop it! Shipping Registry reports increase in illegal anchoring

The Virgin Islands Shipping Registry has suggested that illegal anchoring is becoming more prevalent in at least one section of the British Virgin Islands. Acting Director for the Shipping Registry, Captain Raman Bala said boaters have developed the habit of anchoring […]

by / on May 29, 2018 at 7:45 AM /
Wheatley to UK Gov’t: You buckled to political pressure

Wheatley to UK Gov’t: You buckled to political pressure

In a recent address to special advisors to British Prime Minister Theresa May, Director of the BVI London Office Benito Wheatley stopped just short of calling the UK Government weak-willed. He was referring to the Theresa May Government’s decision not […]

by / on May 29, 2018 at 7:40 AM /
Save our elderly | Senior citizens programmes may merge

Save our elderly | Senior citizens programmes may merge

The Ministry of Health and Social Development is considering to merge various senior citizens programmes in the British Virgin Islands. Chief Social Development Officer Annie Malone-Frett made the announcement when she appeared before the Standing Finance Committee recently. Her remarks […]

by / on May 29, 2018 at 7:01 AM /
UK navy vessel docks in Miami in preparation for hurricane season

UK navy vessel docks in Miami in preparation for hurricane season

PRESS RELEASE: The  Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship ‘RFA MOUNTS BAY’ will be docked in Port Miami from May 22nd to May 25th, to re-embark her Royal Navy WILDCAT helicopter and Disaster Relief military force in preparation for the 2018 hurricane season […]

by / on May 29, 2018 at 6:15 AM /
Do not block garbage bins with bulky waste

Do not block garbage bins with bulky waste

PRESS RELEASE: Residents are asked to stop blocking community bins with bulky waste. When bins are blocked, garbage trucks are unable to clear their contents, and this leaves an unsightly build-up of trash Trash build-up harbours rodents, flies and other […]

by / on May 28, 2018 at 2:27 PM /
Old structure: Cost to repair Robinson O’Neal shoots pass $1M

Old structure: Cost to repair Robinson O’Neal shoots pass $1M

More than $1 million is to be spent on repair works ongoing at the Robinson O’Neal Memorial Primary School. That is according to Construction Manager at the Oil Nut Bay Construction Company, Brendan O’ Reilly. O’Reilly told BVI News that […]

by / on May 28, 2018 at 2:20 PM /
Concerns over metallic dump on VG as hurricane season looms

Concerns over metallic dump on VG as hurricane season looms

Residents of Virgin Gorda have raised concerns over a metallic dump site that was created in the North Sound section of the island months ago. The dump in question is located near the Robinson O’Neal Memorial Primary School. The unsecured […]

by / on May 28, 2018 at 8:04 AM /