Arguing that she should get the job full time, Opposition legislator Julian Fraser said on Thursday that he was not in favour of the government’s motion to extend Jeanette Scatliffe-Boynes’ appointment as Acting Social Security Board (SSB) Director for another […]
Articles By: Davion

Cabinet revises criteria to apply for Work Permit Exemption
The Cabinet has issued a raft of new guidelines after it revoked the work permit exemption policy that was previously in place. According to a post-Cabinet statement on its August 18 meeting, the new guidelines took effect on August 23. […]

Nine illegal Haitians flee to BVI after assassination, earthquake
The Immigration Department has held a little more than half-dozen Haitian nationals who entered the Territory illegally this week. According to Chief Immigration Officer Ian Penn, a motor vessel was spotted on Wednesday, August 25 circling the Beef Island area […]

$208K approved for temporary sewerage treatment system at CGB
The Cabinet has approved a variation to the Cane Garden Bay Sewage Treatment Plant Project to include a temporary sewage treatment system. This has been priced at $208,569.56. The government reported this new development in a post-meeting statement of Cabinet’s […]

First person ticketed $10K for breaching quarantine
The police have ticketed a man for quarantine violation — the first person penalised for the offence since the COVID suppression measures were issued. The Tortola resident received a ticket for $10,000 on Thursday after he breached a mandatory order […]

All witnesses to attend in-person hearings as COI resumes
The ongoing Commission of Inquiry (COI) is expected to continue with all witnesses attending in-person hearings when it resumes in roughly two weeks. In a release issued late yesterday August 25, the Commission’s Secretary, Steven Chandler said this was subject […]

Governor defends having Deputy chair Cabinet instead of Premier
Amid complaints from the government, Governor John Rankin has defended his predecessor’s move to have the Deputy Governor chair Cabinet in his absence. Section 49 of the Virgin Islands Constitution Order 2007 says the governor shall preside over Cabinet proceedings. […]

Gov’t threatens weekly ‘fact sheet’ in face of mounting criticism
Premier Andrew Fahie has promised to release a weekly ‘fact sheet’ of his government’s achievements in the face of continued criticism it has received. Speaking in the House of Assembly recently, Premier Fahie said he was not inclined to sit […]

Premier fires back at criticism that all his gov’t does are ‘photo ops’
Premier Andrew Fahie said he had reason to reprimand a young female resident recently after he and his government were accused of being in favour of photo-ops over substantive achievements. The Premier explained that the incident happened a few weeks […]

BVI Public Library going automated with electronic database
The Public Library Service of the Virgin Islands automating its services. According to Chief Librarian, Suzanne Greenaway: “The library is working on a website that will provide information to the public and access to the electronic databases”. She said the […]