Road Town was buzzing with activity as eager tourists from all over the world disembarked the Disney Fantasy cruise ship on Tuesday, August 28; much to the pomp and celebration at the Tortola Pier Park. The cruise line’s return was highly anticipated as […]
Archive for August, 2018

False alibi? CCTV footage, witnesses link man to Castro murder
Eyewitness reports, his own family discrediting his ‘alibi’, and surveillance footage placing him near the murder scene are three alleged factors prosecutors have outlined to link Sean Martin as the gunman responsible for Jerry Castro’s fatal shooting on August 10. […]

Securing a ‘seat at the table’ for BVI in UK parliament
By Davion Smith, BVI News Staff In recent times, the British Virgin Islands has been on the receiving end of strong-arm tactics from the UK – the territory’s parent nation. Such tactics include forcing unfavourable policies on to the BVI and […]

Gov’t signs deal to improve mental health
As the territory rebuilds its resiliency, the mental well-being of residents during or after any disaster will be given a greater focus for the next year-and-a-half. The government has signed an agreement with the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) to […]

Scooter rider fined over $2K for hitting student pedestrian
An unemployed Baugher’s Bay man accused of hitting a high student pedestrian two years ago has been fined $2,450 in the Magistrate’s Court. Javon Francis was fined after answering to the six traffic charges he racked up on the day […]

COMMENTARY: Borrowing for social prosperity can become harmful culture
By Dickson Igwe, Contributor The vast growth of government in western society post the second World War has also corresponded with a huge growth in government spending and government borrowing to maintain spending on both social and physical infrastructure. Public […]

BVICCHA annual general meeting 2018
PRESS RELEASE: The BVI Chamber of Commerce and Hotel Association (BVICCHA) is a not-for-profit organization whose focus is to advocate for and promote a business-friendly environment for any business to start and grow in the Virgin Islands. The BVICCHA has scheduled […]

Rider accused of smuggling bike, threatening to shoot cop
A motorcyclist accused of threatening to shoot a police officer after being tased during a traffic stop last year has appeared before the Magistrate’s Court. Charged with using threatening language, resisting arrest, engagement in smuggling, driving an unlicensed vehicle, driving […]

Walwyn to visit Virgin Gorda on August 28
Residents of Virgin Gorda are notified that the Minister for Education and Culture, Honourable Myron V Walwyn will hold office hours at the Vanterpool Administration Building on Tuesday, August 28 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Residents are asked to […]

UK’s approach to inquiry flawed; time given to respond ‘too short’
Chairman-elect of the National Democratic Party (NDP) Myron Walwyn has criticised Britain’s approach to launching an inquiry into the future of its relationship with the British Virgin Islands. The UK announced the inquiry on its official parliamentary website on July […]