BVI News

Articles By: Davion

One Love sharing top spot on Nat’l League points table

One Love sharing top spot on Nat’l League points table

PRESS RELEASE: One Love FC has been bumped to the top of the points table and now shares that spot with Sugar Boys FC. One Love climbed to the top after winning their second match of the season during day […]

by / on March 13, 2018 at 6:15 AM /
PHOTOS: African fever at UP’s for Black Panther premiere

PHOTOS: African fever at UP’s for Black Panther premiere

The grand reopening of UP’s Cineplex in Road Town was nothing short of spectacular. Friday’s reopening featured the local premiere of Marvel Universe’s latest blockbuster, Black Panther. And with major support from telecommunications giant Flow and other local sponsors, operators […]

by / on March 12, 2018 at 12:50 PM /
Tourist Board promotes BVI across South Florida

Tourist Board promotes BVI across South Florida

The BVI Tourist Board (BVITB) has sailed to South Florida in the United States to participate in four international events. The tourist board first made an appearance at the Miami Yacht Show last month. They then moved on to Food […]

by / on March 12, 2018 at 8:46 AM /
COMMENTARY: Marching for Commonwealth or just following the blind

COMMENTARY: Marching for Commonwealth or just following the blind

By Alred Frett, Contributor Only the lazy and misinformed celebrate before the mission is accomplished. Time is running out. We are still in the midst of recovery efforts and this is hardly the time to indulge in national holidays, which […]

by / on March 12, 2018 at 7:19 AM /

Premier holding office hours on VG March 13

PRESS RELEASE: Residents of the Virgin Gorda community are advised that Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Honourable D Orlando Smith, OBE will hold office hours on Tuesday, March 13 at the Virgin Gorda Administration Complex, Vanterpool Building. Persons […]

by / on March 9, 2018 at 4:07 PM /
45% chance next hurricane season above normal

45% chance next hurricane season above normal

The 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season has a 45 percent chance of being above normal. The Department of Disaster Management (DDM) said this is compared to a 35 percent chance of a near-normal season and a 20 percent chance of a […]

by / on March 9, 2018 at 2:30 PM /
PHOTO OF THE DAY: Miss World meets local princess

PHOTO OF THE DAY: Miss World meets local princess

In this BVI News photo, eight-year-old M’Kyaih Turnbull steals the spotlight with the reigning Miss World, Manushi Chhillar. They were photographed at The Moorings on the island of Tortola during Chhillar’s four-day visit in the territory. The Indian beauty visited […]

by / on March 9, 2018 at 1:34 PM /
Man in murder case allegedly tries to set business on fire

Man in murder case allegedly tries to set business on fire

Being in possession of the murder weapon allegedly used to kill Trumayne Daway in February is just one-half of the charges Rafael Harrigan has pending before the court. Harrigan is also charged with attempted arson. He allegedly committed that offence […]

by / on March 9, 2018 at 7:21 AM /
Sense of ‘entitlement’ crippling BVI natives — Businessman

Sense of ‘entitlement’ crippling BVI natives — Businessman

Owner of International Motors, Neville Sorrentino believes the sense of ‘entitlement’ among British Virgin Islands natives is crippling their work ethics. He said this sense of entitlement particularly reeks on the younger generation. Sorrentino said while his remarks are not […]

by / on March 9, 2018 at 7:11 AM /
Hospital sacking security guards to get better service

Hospital sacking security guards to get better service

Government is laying off the 16 security officers currently assigned to Peebles Hospital to improve security services at the medical facility. Health Minister Ronnie Skelton gave that indication on Thursday while confirming that the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) is […]

by / on March 9, 2018 at 7:05 AM /