BVI News

Articles By: Davion

Not any of the actual electric shuttle buses the government purchased.

Gov’t buys small fleet of electric shuttle buses for Park & Ride

The government has purchased a small fleet of new electric buses for the Park & Ride initiative established roughly a year ago. Premier Andrew Fahie said the electric vehicles are part of his government’s overall mission to ‘go green’ with […]

by / on September 9, 2021 at 7:30 AM /
19-year-old charged for having sex with underaged girl

19-year-old charged for having sex with underaged girl

A 19-year-old male has been charged with five counts of unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 16. The police have identified him as Kadeem Callwood — a US citizen residing in Cane Garden Bay. He was […]

by / on September 9, 2021 at 6:20 AM /
Opposition Leader Marlon Penn

Someone’s lying! Penn says gov’t contradictory on cruise MOU

Leader of the Opposition Marlon Penn has said someone is not telling the truth as to whether the government and the cruise industry recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as cruise ships prepare to return to the BVI. The […]

by / on September 8, 2021 at 2:50 PM /
The Joshua J Smith Building that houses the Social Security Board (SSB) and National Health Insurance (NHI) offices.

SSB seeking new chairman

The government is seeking a new Chairman of the Social Security Board (SSB). The post was advertised on the government’s official website following talks that the current Chairman Ian Smith would no longer be serving in the post. Opposition Leader […]

by / on September 8, 2021 at 1:35 PM /
Premier Andrew Fahie

More licks come with honesty in gov’t — Premier

Premier Andrew Fahie has suggested that in efforts at being honest with the BVI’s electorate, his government may have suffered more blowback as a result. “I found out in the last few years that when you’re being more than honest […]

by / on September 8, 2021 at 1:09 PM /
"The potential and sought-after effects of this GLOBAL ATTACK on the BVI on January 18th 2021 is equalled, in recent times, to a few others ... September 6, 2017 [and] September 11, 2001." — Carvin Malone

Health Minister defends appointing personal employee to BVIHSA board

Health Minister Carvin Malone has argued that the concept of ‘conflict of interest’ does not apply to a person’s employees but is only restricted to family members. This was essentially the view he espoused when he appeared before the Commission […]

by / on September 8, 2021 at 8:50 AM /
Radio talkshow host and government consultant, Claude Skelton Cline

Forget concerns about the bubble, we don’t use the beaches anyway

Talk show host Pastor Claude Skelton Cline has urged residents to temper their concerns about government’s proposed tourist bubble that will be rolled out for the upcoming cruise tourism season. The bubble concept – which proposes that an isolated group […]

by / on September 8, 2021 at 8:28 AM /
Premier Andrew Fahie

Premier didn’t follow law in removing Climate Change board members?

Just weeks after getting elected, Premier Andrew Fahie reportedly removed all non-government members of the Climate Change Trust Fund (CCTF) Board. But based on what the Commission of Inquiry (COI) was made to understand when they probed the issue yesterday, […]

by / on September 7, 2021 at 8:35 AM /
Marlon Penn

Concerns raised about rise in student absenteeism and dropouts

Opposition Leader Marlon Penn has raised concerns about an increase in student dropouts if schools are to continue using remote or hybrid models of learning. All local schools were allowed to open for face-to-face classes for this school year that […]

by / on September 7, 2021 at 8:05 AM /
Seventh District Representative Dr Natalio Wheatley.

Isabella Morris Primary structure unsound so it will be demolished

The structure of the severely hurricane-damaged Isabella Morris Primary School in Carrot Bay has been deemed unsound and the school, according to government officials, has now been slated for demolition and rebuilding. Currently, students who were at Isabella Morris Primary […]

by / on September 7, 2021 at 7:40 AM /