Governor Augustus Jaspert said at least eight individuals were arrested at the weekend for breaking the 24-hour curfew that is currently in place for six days. The Governor did not specify whether these individuals will be charged for the breach. […]
Archive for March, 2020

CXC ‘modifies’ exam process due to COVID-19 | Exam dates pushed
In an effort to minimize disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) it is pushing back its summer exams and has made a policy decision to test its cohort of students differently this academic year. In […]

Cuban doctors invited to help BVI in COVID-19 fight — Premier
The British Virgin Islands might soon benefit from the expertise of more than two dozen Cuban doctors to assist in the territory’s fight against the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Premier Andrew Fahie said the territory, through the Ministry of Health […]

Businesses urged to establish ‘pandemic leave’ employment package for workers
Government is urging local businesses to establish what it described as a ‘pandemic leave’ employment package to assist its workers while the territory continues to be affected by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Minister of Labour Vincent Wheatley made […]

Gov’t to host Regional Trade & Commerce Symposium online
The British Virgin Islands government is planning an online Regional Trade & Commerce Symposium, which is scheduled to be held on Monday, March, 30. This is according to Premier Andrew Fahie who said the initiative has the support of the […]

‘The Minister gave me permission’, says Cline after curfew arrest
While confirming that he was arrested on Sunday, March 29 for breaking the ongoing territorial curfew, head pastor of the New Life Baptist Church, Bishop John Cline described the ordeal as a ‘misunderstanding’. Following the short-lived experience, Bishop Cline claimed […]

Leaving to dispose garbage and walking pets prohibited during lockdown
Residents of the British Virgin Islands are being told that they could be arrested for leaving their homes during the six days of 24-hour lockdown to dispose of garbage or take their pets out for walks. The lockdown — which […]

Imprisonment or thousands in fines for persons who breach new quarantine law
By Esther Durand, BVI News Staff Residents of the British Virgin Islands who fail to comply with the government-imposed quarantine could now be fined thousands of dollars in a court of law or be sent to prison for up to […]

New legislation passed to ensure continuity of financial services during any major disaster
By Kamal Haynes, BVI News Staff Government has passed the Financial Services (Exceptional Circumstances) Act 2020, which will provide the legislative framework to enable the British Virgin Islands to take appropriate measures during and after any exceptional event. During a […]

COMMENTARY: Corona recession or depression
By Dickson Igwe, Contributor The world economy is in the process of abysmal collapse: a major contraction in consumer demand and supply. In the USA, the current President, Donald Trump, is in denial and states that he expects the economy […]