Protocols for mourners who have to bury their loved ones amid the territory’s existing restrictions are expected to be released shortly, government officials have said. The BVI has experienced more than 20 COVID-related deaths since the beginning of the current […]
Archive for July, 2021

Police contend with disobedient domino players, curfew breakers
The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) has reported having to use non-lethal force to discourage residents who have been having illegal gatherings that flout the government’s COVID-19 restrictions. Acting Deputy Commissioner Jacqueline Vanterpool said in a police statement on […]

Late test results causes missed flights! Health Minister apologises
Health Minister Carvin Malone has issued an apology to persons negatively affected by long waits for COVID-19 test results in the BVI. Amid the current upsurge of coronavirus cases locally, several persons have complained of having to make revised travel […]

Airport Authority head chided for incomplete COI submissions
Managing Director of the BVI Airport Authority (BVIAA), Clive Smith, was issued a stern rebuke on Monday after failing to properly fill out and submit requested documents for the Commission of Inquiry (COI). COI attorney, Bilal Rawat, told Smith there […]

Arrest them! USVI border breaches should not be tolerated
Persons who falsify COVID-19 test results from the BVI in order to circumvent the required health protocols should be arrested and charged. Health Minister Carvin Malone shared this position during the governing Virgin Islands Party’s Let’s Talk radio show Tuesday evening. The […]

Officials soon to say if delta variant is in BVI
Health Minister Carvin Malone said a confirmation will be made shortly as to whether the dreaded and deadly delta variant of COVID-19 is present in the BVI. When news of the current COVID-19 upsurge first spread, health officials said it […]

Half-dozen more COVID deaths recorded!
A half-dozen more persons in the British Virgins Islands have died from COVID-19, the Ministry of Health announced Tuesday evening. This brings the territory’s overall COVID-19 death toll to 23. The latest recorded deceased persons include a 50-year-old female who […]

Medicure refutes Health Ministry’s statements on COVID-19 testing
Medicure Laboratory has refuted several assertions from the Ministry of Health (MOH) whose recent statements the private healthcare facility says discredit its efforts to conduct COVID-19 tests in the BVI. A July 15 release from the MOH advised that the […]

It’s not right! COI should’ve paused hearings amid COVID upsurge
Premier Andrew Fahie has complained that his government is still expected to produced thousands of requested documents for the ongoing Commission of Inquiry (COI), despite facing severe constraints. Many government offices have been shuttered, with staff being forced to work […]

BVI experiences widespread power outage Tuesday morning
Sections of the BVI — particularly areas on the BVI Electricity Corporation’s (BVIEC) main grid on Tortola — are experiencing a power outage. Some residents have reported losing power in their communities around 7 o’clock Tuesday morning, July 20. In […]